2013年4月12日 星期五

[Android 推薦遊戲] 鑽石寶藏 Diamond Treasure

寶藏來襲,你準備好了嗎?伴著輕鬆愉快的旋律,彷彿置身於神秘的世界,體驗鑽石的誘惑與魅力。 App平台排行第一的消除類游戲正式進軍Android平台,你還在猶豫什麼?閒暇時拿起你的手機,《鑽石寶藏》是您消磨時光的好幫手!簡單的操作,考量你的腦力與眼力,快點和朋友們一起比比誰能獲得更多的寶藏吧!

The diamond is coming! Are you ready?
The TOP 1 elimination game of AppStore, Diamond Treasure, shows its dynamite debut on Android Market!
It seems that you are in a mysterious world accompanied with lively relaxed music, experiencing the charm and allure of diamonds. So what are you waiting for?
The Diamond Treasure must be your good friend to kill time when you are waiting for your friends, taking a bus, or anytime when you don’t know what to do!

1.Simple operation. Match 3 or more identical diamond to eliminate and get score.
2.Various challenging modes. Scores challenge mode, show us how much score you can get; Elimination challenge mode, show us your game talents.
3.Unique score system, eliminating the diamond quickly can get extra scores.
4.Superb graphic, wonderful background music.


And, it’s free now!
★★★Simple operation must challenge your mind and eyes!★★★
Be hurried to play with your friends! Show us who can get the most diamond!
Please follow us and share our games with your friends, and you will surely get more lovely games!

★★★操作更快!消除更多!策略更巧!希望《鑽石寶藏》能給大家帶去快樂! ★★★

Google Play Link 遊戲的連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bf.aabg_zsbz_qm

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