

2013年6月29日 星期六

[推薦遊戲] Juggernaut Revenge of Sovering 劍聖 復仇君主

全新類型的 RPG 從哈拉丹的廢墟中冒起了。你是「蝎子幫」的五位傳奇戰士之一,目的是要?到大惡魔索伐靈,拯救哈拉丹。進入疑幻疑真的 3D 世界,挑戰逾 100 種不同的怪物,完成艱險的任務,最後再消滅索伐靈!血戰千年不止,但現在終於有了結人類最大敵人的機會了。你可以挑戰惡魔大軍,為自由而奮戰嗎?
An entirely new breed of RPG has risen from the smoldering ashes of Haradan. You, as one of 6 legendary warriors known as “Scorpions”, are entrusted to defeat the terrifying Sovering and save the land. Venture into a surreal 3D world to slay over 100 horrifying beasts and complete perilous quests on your way to an epic final battle against the formidable demon! After eons of ceaseless bloodshed, the time to destroy civilization’s greatest adversary has come. Can you take on the legion and fight your way to freedom?

Your journey begins by choosing one of five unique heroes. Each one brings a different skill, elemental affinity, and weapon. Whether you want to pound your way through with Ursula’s war hammer or fry your foes with Torus’ magic, there’s a character that will fit your play style.

Each section of the game is divided into its own chapter of five to ten unique encounters. Every victory brings you experience, gold, and loot, while also bringing you another step closer to Sovereign.

遊戲的畫面一流,相當的細緻。- PadGadget (4/5)
Juggernaut:Revenge of Sovereign 畫面漂亮、內容豐富、有大量不同遊戲模式,可以令玩家長時間享受。- GameZebo (4/%)
Juggernaut:Revenge of Sovereign 為觸控式遊戲帶來了新衝擊,是奇幻動作遊戲的奇葩。- GameZebo (4/%)
這是個一流的遊戲。畫面漂亮,內容刺激,也不會難上手。- AppAdvice
如果你是回合制 RPG 的發燒友,就一定要試試這遊戲。就算不是的話,玩過這遊戲之後,也許你也會上癮。- iPhone Life
The graphics of this game are fantastic. The attention to detail is outstanding. - PadGadget (4/5)
Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovereign looks great, plays great, and has plenty of different modes to keep a player occupied for a long time. - GameZebo (4/5)
Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering is a unique experiment in touchscreen gaming, and brings something unexpected to the fantasy action genre. - Slide To Play (3+/4)
This is a fantastic game. It is beautiful and has amazing graphics. The gameplay is exciting without being overwhelming. - AppAdvice
If you are a fan of turn-based RPGs, this game is a must for your collection, and even if you weren’t before, this game might just make you a fan of the genre. - iPhone Life



- 5 個不同的英雄,每個都有獨特的技能、背景和武器
- 12 種不同盔甲
- 大量物品和武器,讓你改變英雄的外觀
- 分成 4 派共 12 種的戰鬥魔法
- 每個英雄都可升到 30 級


- 6 customizable legendary warriors to choose from: each with unique skills, back stories and weapons
- 12 classes of mighty armor
- A wide array of items and weapons that change the appearance of your hero
- 4 schools of magic and 12 fighting spells for you to cast upon enemies
- 30 levels of progression for each hero


- 可選擇用 3 個不同的方式攻擊對手:點?、劃動、還有「連?」系統!
- 不一樣的回合制系統:攻擊時記得要回避敵人的視線,動作要快喔
- 不同英雄各有華麗的處決畫面
- 戰鬥內含 3 種小遊戲:「收集魔力」、記憶遊戲、血戰「邪眼」

- Choose to fight your enemies 3 different ways: Tap, swipe, or use combo-hit control!
- Turn based fighting with unique twists: act swiftly and be sure your enemy isn’t looking in the direction you attack from
- Epic cinematic executions for each hero
- 3 in-fight mini games: "collect the mana", memory game and fighting the "evil eye"


- 超過 100 種不同的怪物對手
- 逾 30 小時的刺激內容
- 從森林到大漠,城市到洞穴,共有 15 個不同的獨特場景,讓你走遍哈拉丹,斬妖除魔
- 5 個特別任務,讓你開啟 15 個隱藏場景中的 5 個
- 2 種小遊戲:尋寶和開鎖遊戲
- 逾 50 種遊戲成就
- 華麗的 3D 畫面

- 100+ terrifying enemies to fight
- 30+ hours of heart-stopping gameplay
- 15 unique locations, from forests and deserts to cities and caves, in which to battle fiends
- 5 special quests that open 5 out of 15 secret locations
- 2 mini games: locating buried treasure and lock picking
- 50+ achievements
- Beautiful 3D graphics

首批玩家已踏主了娜特維島,與邪惡的索伐靈和他的手下展開激戰。不過遊戲的創作團隊可沒有閒下來,他們每天也在努力,令 Juggernaut:The Revenge of Sovering 變得更有趣!
沒有最好,只有更好,「Juggernaut:The Revenge of Sovering」的創作團隊還為你準備了大量驚喜。

"Juggernaut: The Revenge of Sovering" – innovations in the game!
The first players have already set foot on the scorching land of Radway to do battle against the terrible Sovering and his minions. But this does not mean that the game’s developers are resting on their laurels. Work is constantly underway to improve Juggernaut: The Revenge of Sovering!
There are no limits to perfection, and the creators of "Juggernaut: The Revenge of Sovering" have many more surprises in store.



Screen resolution of 800x400
Screen size from 4 inches
1GB of RAM
Android from 2.3

Google Play Link 遊戲的連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.mail.games.juggernaut&hl=en_GB

View the original article here

