

2013年6月29日 星期六

[推薦遊戲] Juggernaut Revenge of Sovering 劍聖 復仇君主

全新類型的 RPG 從哈拉丹的廢墟中冒起了。你是「蝎子幫」的五位傳奇戰士之一,目的是要?到大惡魔索伐靈,拯救哈拉丹。進入疑幻疑真的 3D 世界,挑戰逾 100 種不同的怪物,完成艱險的任務,最後再消滅索伐靈!血戰千年不止,但現在終於有了結人類最大敵人的機會了。你可以挑戰惡魔大軍,為自由而奮戰嗎?
An entirely new breed of RPG has risen from the smoldering ashes of Haradan. You, as one of 6 legendary warriors known as “Scorpions”, are entrusted to defeat the terrifying Sovering and save the land. Venture into a surreal 3D world to slay over 100 horrifying beasts and complete perilous quests on your way to an epic final battle against the formidable demon! After eons of ceaseless bloodshed, the time to destroy civilization’s greatest adversary has come. Can you take on the legion and fight your way to freedom?

2013年6月27日 星期四

[推薦遊戲] Fruit Shoot 水果射擊

能用弓箭射掉一個人頭上的蘋果是射擊的壯舉。你能射多遠呢?你能想 Robin Hood 一樣精準嗎?趕緊在這易於上癮的冒險類游戲中拉開長弓搭上弓箭,嘗試射掉可愛的傢伙們頭上的水果!
 Fruit Shoot is the best archery game ever! Use the bow and the arrows to hit the fruits placed on the head of the little cute bears, brave soldiers and evil dragons!

2013年6月25日 星期二

[推薦遊戲] Pocket Planes 口袋航空

這是個有趣的遊戲,由小小塔(Tiny Tower)的製作團隊所開發,玩家可以在自己的口袋中(手機上)管理自己的飛機以及航線,讓自己的航空事業逐漸茁壯成長起來,讓你的機隊可以載運有趣的人們以及貨物,穿梭航行在整個地圖上的250個不同的城市。

From the creators of Tiny Tower comes Pocket Planes, a casual airline sim that fits right in your pocket!

- Manage and grow your fleet of planes as they fly interesting people and cargo to over 250 cities around the map.

2013年6月24日 星期一

[遊戲推薦] 靈異陰陽錄 Ayakashi - Ghost Guild


A brand new card battle RPG with a fantasy theme is now available from Zynga!
Collect demons to be the most powerful ghost agent! Ayakashi: Ghost Guild is the definitive version of gorgeous card battle RPGs!

2013年6月23日 星期日

[推薦遊戲] 點陣大戰 D.O.T. Defender of Texel

In a world of squares, somebody needs to think outside the box…

一個高度奇幻的冒險被扭轉成 , [D.O.T.] 被設定成 特克賽爾 一個及需要有個冠軍產生的八位元宇宙, 在這個來自Mobage的刺激新型的RPG中 ,玩家將回經由手機遊戲被傳送到這個沒有戰爭或死亡概念的世界 - 由於這個世界已經被邪惡的機械人搞得四分五裂了 ,只有您的高明的領導能力能夠拯救 被分成三個部分的 特克賽爾 , 然後打開傳送門回到自己的世界.
A high-fantasy adventure with a twist, “D.O.T.” is set in Texel, an 8-bit universe in dire need of a champion. In this exciting new RPG from Mobage, the player is transported through a mobile game into a world that has no concept of death or war–and is being torn apart by sinister robotic invaders. Only your skills as a commander can save the three tribes of Texel, and open the portal back to your own reality.

2013年6月21日 星期五

[推薦遊戲] Temple Run 2 神殿狂奔 2

“在每部探險片中,總有這樣一幕:英雄最終獲得寶藏,但不得不在陷阱叢生的迷宮中穿行,以期活著離開。Temple Run就是這樣的場景。這款遊戲非常有意思。”—SlideToPlay.com 。

獲獎暢銷遊戲作品Harbor MasterR的設計者此次又推出了這款App Store上最激動人心的跑酷遊戲。翻過古廟圍牆,爬上懸崖峭壁,測測你的反應力。揮擊轉彎、跳躍、滑動躲過障礙物,收集硬幣,購買能量,看看你能跑多遠!

"In every treasure hunting adventure movie there’s one scene in which the plucky hero finally gets his hands on the treasure but then has to navigate a maze of booby traps in order to get out alive. Temple Run is this scene and nothing else. And it’s amazing." - SlideToPlay.com

2013年6月20日 星期四

[遊戲推薦] 英雄大帝 King’s Bounty: Legions


Forge and equip your army of fantasy creatures, fight and defeat your enemies, find allies and save the King’s Bounty world! In the 3D universe of King’s Bounty you will command an army of strong, will-powered faithful warriors that will obey your every order. Choose from the best soldiers, provide them with the most effective equipment, and lead them to victory. Be wise, be brave, be the winner!

2013年6月18日 星期二

[推薦遊戲] 暗黑召喚 Dark Summoner

遊戲開始 您將扮演一名暗黑召喚師,從遊戲世界中三大陣營裡選取一個做為自己效忠的陣營,遊戲者將經由執行任務在任務的過程中尋找到不同的魔物以及隱藏的寶物,並賺取金幣,您也可以透過低階魔物的犧牲來提升您的黑暗軍團的等級,並發展出更多的高級技能,使用犧牲的儀式也有可能因為觸發某種魔物特殊的血液而讓魔物產生異變 也有可能得到更多升級經驗值。
Over 4,000,000 Downloads Worldwide!
Ranked #1 in both Japan and North America!
Dark Summoner, One of the Most Popular Fantasy Adventure Games on smartphone!
Monster Designs by Many Famous Artists!

2013年6月17日 星期一

[推薦遊戲] 憤怒的巴哈姆特 Rage of Bahamut

這是個畫面精美的卡牌遊戲 , 容易上癮,免費交換卡牌的遊戲 , 讓您可以與世界上真實的玩家一起在各種不同的任務與挑戰中冒險 . 在美國最賣座的遊戲排行榜上 ,破紀錄的維持6個月的第一名 , 全世界超過6百萬人次的下載 , 以及超過 2萬個 5星的評價 .
Highly addictive, FREE trading card game (TCG) that lets you battle REAL players in countless quests and adventures.
Record breaking #1 Top Grossing app in the US for six months! Over 3 million downloads worldwide and over 20,000 ★★★★★ reviews.

2013年6月16日 星期日

[推薦遊戲] Triple Town 三重小鎮

這是一個三消類型的原創益智遊戲 , 您要嘗試著讓你的小鎮成長成為一個最大的城市 , 以取得最高的分數 , 您必須透過將三個或三個以上的建築物 或是單元連結起來 , 讓這些建築物或是單元成長 , 例如 三塊草地變成一塊灌木叢 , 三塊灌木叢變成一塊森林等等 , 直到你將整個版面都塞滿房子、教堂與城堡為止 , 在遊戲的過程中 , 你將會遭遇到巨大的熊來阻止你的小鎮發展 , 你必須智取這些熊 , 以免它門阻止你的小鎮發展.
Triple Town is an original puzzle game in which you try to grow the greatest possible city. The larger the city you build, the more points you score. You build your city by matching three or more game-pieces: combine three grasses to make a bush, three bushes to make a tree... until you've filled the board with houses, cathedrals and castles. Along the way, you'll have to outwit giant bears who will try to block your progress.
How large can you grow your dream city before the board fills and the game ends?

2013年6月14日 星期五

逆戰幻想 Card RPG Fantasica

這個最終幻想社群角色扮演卡牌遊戲 ,畫面以及卡牌都是由最終幻想系列的藝術插畫家繪製的 ,這個遊戲將提供最正宗的最終幻想遊戲體驗 , 您可以融入您喜歡的最終幻想的世界中 ,並且與您的朋友們共同組成陣營對抗邪惡的敵人 ,提醒您 所有的英雄都應該保持自己的武器銳利以及與自己的盟友一起準備好 , Fantasica 的世界雖然美麗,但也隱藏著處處的危險 .
From the artist behind the Final Fantasy series comes Fantasica, the ultimate social RPG.
Finally, the authentic, fantasy role-playing experience that you've been waiting for. Join forces with your friends to defeat the evil threatening your world. All interested heroes are advised to keep their weapons sharp and their allies ready. The world of Fantasica is a beautiful, yet dangerous place!

2013年6月12日 星期三

[推薦遊戲] Fantashooting 奇幻射擊


The best fantasy dual-stick shooting game. Have a ton of fun in a short period of time!!
As a prerequisite for graduation, apprentices at Fantasy Hero Institute must survive the final test of Mori. Around the Mori Institute are scary monsters, magic bombs, goblins, insects, piranhas……………..

I’ll scare myself if I go any further! If you dare, follow the apprentices into the mysterious and unpredictable forest and help them survive the trials of the forest allowing them to graduate!

2013年6月9日 星期日

Match Up Runes To Defeat Enemies In Dungeon Hearts

Dungeon Hearts by Devolver Digital icon

Dungeon Hearts ($2.99) by Devolver Digital is a match three game with roleplaying elements, similar in style to other popular RPG match three games like Puzzle Quest and 10000000. I am a huge fan of this particular genre, and 10000000 in particular is one of my all time favorite iOS games, so Dungeon Hearts is a game that I have been looking forward to.

This happens to be an iPad only game, so you iPhone users are out of luck. The idea is similar to the other games I’ve mentioned above, where you will make matches of different runes in order to execute attacks on enemies.

Dungeon Hearts has a detailed storyline involving a team of heroes battling against The Dark One, but let’s be honest – it’s a rare iOS game that is played for the storyline. It’s all about the gameplay.

Dungeon Hearts by Devolver Digital screenshot

While I would like to say that Dungeon Hearts, which uses anime-style graphics, delivered a fun gameplay experience, I can’t. It is, by far, one of the most complicated and convoluted match three games that I have ever played, not to mention it tends towards being overly difficult and frustrating as a result.

So here’s the deal. The game is set up with your heroes on the left side of the screen and an enemy on the right side of the screen. In between the two is the “Fatestream,” which is where you will find runes to match up. Matching up runes is how you deal damage and win battles.

Each of your heroes (there are four) is represented by a different color. Matching up runes of a specific color cause that particular hero to launch an attack. There are also runes for the enemy, which cause damage to your heroes when they reach the end of the Fatestream.

You have to drag the runes on the screen to combine them into sets of three. When you have three next to each other, you draw a line through them to create a diamond shaped striker, which is then tapped to deal damage. That’s a lot of steps to make a match.

Dungeon Hearts by Devolver Digital screenshot

The idea is to combine your strikers between lanes to get all of your heroes to attack in unison, thus doing extra damage, but because the gems on the Fatestream move so quickly, it is almost impossible to queue up special attacks like that as you progress through the game.

Creating runes and attacks would be complicated enough just with the single color runes and the original enemy runs, but Dungeon Hearts also throws in a slew of additional rune types. Some are stationary and can’t be moved, some damage your heroes in different ways, and some unleash special attacks, but it’s difficult, especially when you’re first starting out, to remember what each rune does and to deal with it in the proper way before it speeds off of the Fatestream.

So basically, you’re spending your time in this game frantically trying to move colored runes around until you can match up three to cause damage, while at the same time trying to make multiple matches of three to link up gems for additional special attacks. It’s overly complicated and hard to execute because the runes simply scroll off of the screen too quickly.

If you can wrap your head (and your hands) around the gameplay, you will progress through a series of enemies that get harder with each battle. Defeating enemies reveals information about the world’s lore, but I had a hard time getting in to that when I wasn’t particularly enjoying the game in the first place.

Dying at the hands of an enemy means you restart the entire game from the beginning, which honestly, just makes the game repetitive since there’s nothing to progress to. I’d also like to mention that leveling up characters is done with the same frantic rune matching system, meaning you may get way behind on character leveling if you’re not super quick.

The game does have achievements, but that’s not enough to keep it from becoming boring due to the frustrating gameplay and the lack of progress. I’d also like to point out that it crashed multiple times on my iPad mini, causing me to have to restart from the beginning again and again. And again. Seriously, this game crashes like crazy.

Until there are some fixes for Dungeon Hearts, I’d take a pass on the game, but it does have potential once you get past the learning curve.

View the original article here

2013年6月8日 星期六

Quirky App Of The Day: Critical Missions: SWAT Is An Intense First Person Shooter

Critical Missions: SWAT by Studio OnMars screenshot

The game features eight different modes of play. All eight are available if you play a multiplayer game. However, only three modes are available as a single player.

The eight modes are classic, team death match, zombie mode, zombie match, survival, death match, juggernaut, and capture the flag. The single player option features the classic, team match, and zombie modes.

There are two teams that you can choose from: SWAT and terrorist. In the classic mode, you can win the game as a SWAT member if you save all the hostages. As a terrorist, you can win by planting a bomb. You can also win by eliminating all of your opponents.

The team death match mode is set up so that there’s no actual winner. Death isn’t permanent. There’s just a scoreboard that keeps track of how many kills you’ve made. This mode is more for people who want to enter a casual fight and quickly immerse themselves in the action instead of battling individual rounds.

In zombie mode, a random player is chosen to be a zombie. Their goal is to infect as many other players as possible. The object of this mode is for the humans to eliminate all the zombies.

Zombie match is similar to the team death match. The only difference is that zombies are added to both teams, and they will help you fight the other side.

Death match mode doesn’t have any teams. It’s every player for themselves. The last player standing wins.

Juggernaut mode begins with the game host having extra speed and health. The goal is for the other players to take down the juggernaut. The player who kills the juggernaut becomes the next one.

Capture the flag mode is pretty obvious. There are two teams, and they’re trying to get their enemy’s flag.

In addition to all these great modes that you can play through, there’s also a wide variety of weapons that you can choose from. There’s a knife, pistol, assault rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun, and grenades.

Anyone who enjoys games like Call Of Duty or Halo would probably love this game. I enjoy first person shooters, and I liked how much control I had over the difficulty settings.

View the original article here

2013年6月6日 星期四

GDC 2013: Two Games From Trigger Happy, 'Feed Frankie' and '$1 Popcorn'

We quickly met with the guys from Trigger Happy, and they've got two new games in the works. Feed Frankie is a simple swipe-based game in the genre of "baby feeder" I guess, and $1 Popcorn which is sort of along the lines of Fruit Ninja. They're both a little on the casual side, but, there's something for everyone here at GDC.

View the original article here

2013年6月5日 星期三

GDC 2013: IceFlame's 'Soccer Rally 2' Takes Car Football Further

If you haven't played the original Soccer Rally [$0.99] (or watched Top Gear play car football), this might take some explanation. Soccer Rally 2 is a game about driving cars and playing soccer. Or, rather, driving cars while playing soccer with them: the sort of thing that gets messy in real life but is crazy fun in a game.

I sat down with the guys from IceFlame to look at the upcoming game, which is a huge step forward from the original. We're talking stadiums, tournaments, and online multiplayer, along with a new Academy mode that will actually give you a shot at learning to maneuver cars on a soccer field before you take things head to head. The cars have also seen a major upgrade, with new stats to consider and a lot of variety in terms of maneuverability, speed and all that jazz.

Of course, one of the coolest ways to play will still be head-to-head, same-device multiplayer, which studio co-founders Jonathan Shaw and David Deacon took a few minutes to play through for our viewing enjoyment. We also looked at a few of the Academy mode challenges.

Keep an eye out for a few cameos in the video: in a very cool little touch, IceFlame has worked with a ton of other indie studios to bring in custom paint jobs, so you can dress your car up in the style of Ridiculous Fishing and Pocket Planes, among others.

The game should be out later this year, and in the meantime IceFlame is getting ready to look for beta testers and feedback. Check out our discussion thread if you're interested in getting involved.

View the original article here

2013年6月4日 星期二

First Trailer for Double Fine's Adventurous 'Broken Age'

Last night at the GDC Choice Awards, Double Fine's Tim Schafer revealed the first trailer for Broken Age. In case you haven't heard, that's the name of the game that the studio's record-breaking Double Fine Adventure crowdfunding drive has become.

From what we know about it so far, Broken Age is a point-and-click adventure game about a boy and girl living parallel lives on different worlds. The girl is to be an unwilling sacrifice to a terrible monster, the boy lives alone on a spaceship and from those simple beginnings… adventure ensues.

The game's also picked up a website to go along with the new name and footage. We haven't heard anything new about the status of the planned iOS release of Broken Age, but we'll be keeping our ear to the ground for more details in the weeks and months to come.

View the original article here

2013年6月2日 星期日

Coming Tonight: 'Dungeon Hearts,' 'Final Fantasy V,' 'Magicka,' 'Nimble Quest,' and More

It's Wednesday, which means that despite being knee-deep in upcoming game coverage at GDC, there are plenty of games coming out right now that are worth getting excited about. By "right now," of course, I mean about 11pm EST in the Americas and potentially much earlier elsewhere.

Dungeon Hearts, $2.99 - Forum Thread - An iPad Puzzle/RPG hybrid that looks to mix classic JRPG combat stylings with match-3 mechanics in battles with big scary monsters. Very cool.

Final Fantasy V - $16.99 - Forum Thread - Another Final Fantasy title hits the app store. This time around, it comes with improvements from the 2006 GBA release and new character art by the original artist, Kazuko Shibuya.

Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet - $1.99 - Forum Thread - Magicka's been rocking co-op RPG chaos on desktop since 2011. Wizards of the Square Tablet has been designed fresh for iPad, but promises a similarly ludicrous list of spell combos and team-kills.

Nimble Quest - Free - Forum Thread - Imagine this: Snake, RPG mechanics and NimbleBit's pixel art and friendly take on free-to-play. Seems like an easy call.

Runaway: A Twist of Fate - Part 1 - 4.99 - Forum Thread - The first installment of the third game in the Runaway series of adventure games by Pendulo Studios. Check out the technical requirements before grabbing this one—it needs a ton of space and a fairly recent device.

Secret Castle - Free - Forum Thread - A hidden object game with very cool tilt-3D object hunting. Check out the trailer.

Tiny Troopers 2: Special Ops - $0.99 - Forum Thread - The sequel to the popular top-down shooter about mini military dudes. This one should be out at midnight tonight.

View the original article here