

2013年5月25日 星期六

GDC 2013: 'Island Escape' is a Warioware-like Mini-game Collection with a Story to Tell

There have been a few attempts at bringing Warioware-like frantic mini-game collections to iOS, but I've always wondered why it wasn't a more popular idea. The mobile platform is great for these quick-hitting type of experiences.

Kooapps apparently felt the same as they are readying just such a game, though this time the collection of more than 70 mini-games (with about 40 more planned) is connected through an overarching narrative about being a castaway on an island. Check out this hands-on video for Island Escape as Stephanie from Kooapps walks us through some of the mini-games.

Island Escape is just about to enter a beta period and is expected to hit within the next couple of months or so. We'll bring you news of its release just as soon as we get it.

View the original article here

