

2013年5月31日 星期五

GDC 2013: Hands-On With 'Football Heroes,' An Awesome Throwback Football Game

Straight-up, if you were a fan of Tecmo Bowl, Mutant League Football, or any other zany old-school football game, you've got to check out Football Heroes. It's a throwback to those games of old, except updated with modern RPG, customization, and competitive trimmings. As you play, your players level up and you can acquire increasingly zanier moves. You can also name your own players, teams, and assign colors. It's a small thing, but as you'll see in our video, you can get some pretty hilarious results.

You might not get a sense of this in the video, but the feel of the game is fantastic. The movement is fluid and easy and the gestures make sense. Hilariously, this over-the-top football game is the best controlling football game we've ever played on iOS.

Football Heroes is due out at some point later this year. We'll be keeping our eyes on it, for sure. Oh, and here's that image of the new look (as mentioned in the vid):

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2013年5月30日 星期四

GDC 2013: Hands-On With A Couple Of Gamevil's Upcoming Titles

This afternoon at GDC in San Francisco, Gamevil swung by and showed us a couple of its upcoming titles. The first was a Diablo 3-ish kinda game called Dark Avenger. It's got a neat art style and an especially smooth control interface. The other game was a weird match-3 that combines traditional matching play with a PVZ Zen Garden-ish persistent plant growing system. It's called Smile Plants.

We've got video of both, if you'd like to see. Our favorite was Dark Avenger, FYI.

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2013年5月29日 星期三

GDC 2013: 'Pylon' is a Great Looking Hack'n Slash RPG Coming this Summer

QuantumSquid was here at GDC 2013 showing off a couple of upcoming games, and their Diablo-esque hack 'n slash RPG Pylon was looking incredibly good. I'll keep my introduction brief as we cover a lot of ground in this fairly lengthy look at Pylon, so without further ado please give our hands-on video a look.

There have been many attempts at Diablo-like games on iOS, with varying levels of success. My all-to-brief time with Pylon has me feeling very positive that this will be one of the winners, and I'm really looking forward to its release sometime this summer.

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2013年5月28日 星期二

GDC 2013: 'Stellar Wars' - The Latest in the Liv Games Saga

Crazy about Legendary Wars [$1.99] and/or Monster Wars and find yourself wanting more? Well, Liv Games is hard at work on turning the "Wars" series into a trilogy with Stellar Wars which builds on the foundations of previous games with a sci-fi spin and even side-scrolling shooter sections.

Check out the hands-on:

The new animation system they mention sounds particularly exciting, as I'm a huge sucker for massive, massive bosses.

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2013年5月27日 星期一

GDC 2013: 'Golf Star' by Com2uS Takes Golf Online

Golf games have always been great on iOS devices as both gesture-based as well as the three tap method of swinging the club seems to work really well with touch screens. Com2uS is capitalizing on this with an upcoming game called Golf Star, a free to play multiplayer golf title where you play against real people and can play in games with up to ten players.

Of course there's a whole in-game store filled with items and unlockables to work towards. Golf Star is coming soon, and we're totally stoked for it.

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2013年5月25日 星期六

GDC 2013: 'Island Escape' is a Warioware-like Mini-game Collection with a Story to Tell

There have been a few attempts at bringing Warioware-like frantic mini-game collections to iOS, but I've always wondered why it wasn't a more popular idea. The mobile platform is great for these quick-hitting type of experiences.

Kooapps apparently felt the same as they are readying just such a game, though this time the collection of more than 70 mini-games (with about 40 more planned) is connected through an overarching narrative about being a castaway on an island. Check out this hands-on video for Island Escape as Stephanie from Kooapps walks us through some of the mini-games.

Island Escape is just about to enter a beta period and is expected to hit within the next couple of months or so. We'll bring you news of its release just as soon as we get it.

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2013年5月23日 星期四

'Ms. Splosion Man' Hits the App Store

It looks like Twisted Pixel avoided being picked up in yesterda's coming tonight post because they decided to pull the "release everywhere at once" lever instead of letting the game drizzle out all over the world. Regardless, Ms. Splosion Man [$2.99] is now out in the wild. I saw it at PAX East and was totally impressed with what I saw.

Ms. Splosion Man got its starts on consoles, so the name of the game here is definitely "console quality."

Our forum members are digging the game too. We'll dive in a little deeper after GDC madness is over, but if you've been waiting for Ms. Splosion Man, mash that download link.

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2013年5月22日 星期三

GDC 2013: A Look at What's Coming to 'The Sandbox' Creation Game

When we originally reviewed The Sandbox [Free] from Pixowl Games, we thought it was a pretty cool... thing. It wasn't exactly a non-game, as there were structured missions to complete and gaming elements, but they served as more of a tutorial for the broader aim of The Sandbox: to be a creation tool to do just about anything you could think of.

It was a really impressive piece of software, but we felt like it hadn't really reached its potential at that time due to some limitations in terms of content, a slightly stingy freemium model, and a few technical issues. Despite some of these small problems we still really enjoyed the game.

Well, that was almost a year ago, and The Sandbox has come a long way since then. With roughly 7 fairly substantial updates over the past year, most of our original issues with The Sandbox have been addressed, while simultaneously adding a ton of cool new features to the game. This includes tons of new elements and backgrounds, new missions, explosives, dinosaurs, new campaigns, and more. Not to mention Universal iPad support, Retina visuals, and iPhone 5 widescreen support.

So The Sandbox has really come into its own over the year it's been out, and users have populated the game with hundreds of user-created levels that really test the boundaries of what's possible with the game. Some of the user levels I've seen have been downright ingenious. At GDC this week, we got a taste of what's next for The Sandbox with the next couple of updates. Check out the hands-on video to see what's in store.

The Laser & Pipes update is slated for mid-April and will add a new 10 level campaign as well as the new laser and pipe technological elements. There will also be a new set of musical elements, and some of the user levels I've seen that create music are really incredible. In mid-May we'll see the Humans vs. Zombies update arrive, including a 15 level campaign, a Zombie job powder, and a search functionality for the online gallery.

Keep an eye out for these updates and more coming to The Sandbox during the course of the year.

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2013年5月20日 星期一

GDC 2013: 'Skiing Fred' Takes the "Fred" Series in a Wintery Direction

Dedalord is continuing their series of "Fred" games, following 2011's Falling Fred [Free] and 2012's Running Fred [Free] with a snow sports themed version called Skiing Fred. Like the other games in the series, there is a ton of personality in the environments and with Fred himself, as well as a ton of gore and brutality. Here's some hands-on video from Skiing Fred with some commentary from the developers.

There's so many of these "running" kind of games that it can be hard to stand out, but I really enjoyed my time playing Skiing Fred, and it's literally stuffed with content in terms of customization and environmental elements. It should be launching sometime this year so keep an eye out for more from?Skiing Fred as that time approaches.

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2013年5月19日 星期日

Gameloft Reveals Iron Man 3, an Upcoming Endless Flyer

Marvel's Iron Man 3 is just over a month from release, and that can only mean one thing: a new Gameloft official movie tie-in. Sure enough, the studio has announced the upcoming release of Iron Man 3 with a trailer full of flying, explosions, and, uh, more explosions.

Looks like the studio has moved away from the more adventurous aspects of the widely-criticized Iron Man 2, opting for a frenetic, combative endless flyer instead. If that's your preferred style of suiting up, you'll be able to check it out on iOS and Android on April 25th.

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2013年5月17日 星期五

GDC 2013: Crescent Moon's 'Exiles' Brings a Science Fiction Spin to their Brand of Open World RPG

Crescent Moon Games put out a ton of different styles of games, but they are most widely associated with expansive role-playing games like Aralon [$4.99] and Ravensword Shadowlands [$6.99]. They're getting back to that once more with their upcoming science fiction themed, open world RPG called Exiles, and as with most their games it's quite the visual treat. Check out this brief look at an extremely early build of Exiles to see for yourself.

As I mentioned, Exiles is still in a really early state and there's a ton left to do to get things finished up. Crescent Moon hopes to wrap up and release the game later in the year, barring any sort of hiccups. I really can't wait as even now it looks really interesting, so keep an eye out for more on Exiles as development marches on.

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2013年5月14日 星期二

[推薦遊戲] Juggernaut Revenge of Sovering 劍聖 復仇君主

全新類型的 RPG 從哈拉丹的廢墟中冒起了。你是「蝎子幫」的五位傳奇戰士之一,目的是要?到大惡魔索伐靈,拯救哈拉丹。進入疑幻疑真的 3D 世界,挑戰逾 100 種不同的怪物,完成艱險的任務,最後再消滅索伐靈!血戰千年不止,但現在終於有了結人類最大敵人的機會了。你可以挑戰惡魔大軍,為自由而奮戰嗎?
An entirely new breed of RPG has risen from the smoldering ashes of Haradan. You, as one of 6 legendary warriors known as “Scorpions”, are entrusted to defeat the terrifying Sovering and save the land. Venture into a surreal 3D world to slay over 100 horrifying beasts and complete perilous quests on your way to an epic final battle against the formidable demon! After eons of ceaseless bloodshed, the time to destroy civilization’s greatest adversary has come. Can you take on the legion and fight your way to freedom?

2013年5月10日 星期五

[推薦遊戲] Baseball Superstars® 2012 棒球明星 2012

站上本壘板,感受App 遊戲中最佳的棒球體驗,現已包含HD 高清圖像, 絕佳視覺享受前所未有!等級限制解鎖, 可升級的擊球和投球動作, 無限的自定義, 全新的超級球員和更多的遊戲模式, 帶來無限可能。不論是管理球隊勇奪冠軍, 還是將一名新手訓練成名人堂成員, 你擁有絕對的控制權。

Step up to the plate for the best baseball experience on Android Market, now looking better than ever before in crisp HD! The sky's the limit with level restrictions unlocked, upgraded batting and pitching moves, endless customization, new super players and more play modes. Whether managing a team to the championship or training a rookie to the Hall of Fame, you're in control of it all.

2013年5月9日 星期四

[遊戲推薦] 南瓜與怪物 Pumpkins VS Monster

在黑暗的午夜裡 , 恐怖的怪物復活了 , 他們將要入侵村民的家裡 , 這個世界將不再和平安詳了  , 不過 我們的村民們 還依然沉睡在他們甜甜的夢鄉之中 , 完全不知道危險已經逼近了 ,在這個危急的時刻 , 南瓜英雄出現了
, 他們勇敢的站出來保衛村民的房屋 , 用他們的身體來攻擊這些入侵的怪物 , 他們能夠成功的保衛沉睡中的村民嗎。
In the darkness midnight, the monsters revived. They are gonging to invade people's home .The world will not peace anymore.
But our people are still in their sweet dream, no one knows the dangerous.
At this time, the pumpkin hero appeared, they work together to protect people's house, use they bodies to attack the monsters.
The incomparable new mode will bring you very different new experience.

2013年5月7日 星期二

逆戰幻想 Card RPG Fantasica

這個最終幻想社群角色扮演卡牌遊戲 ,畫面以及卡牌都是由最終幻想系列的藝術插畫家繪製的 ,這個遊戲將提供最正宗的最終幻想遊戲體驗 , 您可以融入您喜歡的最終幻想的世界中 ,並且與您的朋友們共同組成陣營對抗邪惡的敵人 ,提醒您 所有的英雄都應該保持自己的武器銳利以及與自己的盟友一起準備好 , Fantasica 的世界雖然美麗,但也隱藏著處處的危險 .
From the artist behind the Final Fantasy series comes Fantasica, the ultimate social RPG.
Finally, the authentic, fantasy role-playing experience that you've been waiting for. Join forces with your friends to defeat the evil threatening your world. All interested heroes are advised to keep their weapons sharp and their allies ready. The world of Fantasica is a beautiful, yet dangerous place!

2013年5月6日 星期一

[推薦遊戲] Fantashooting 奇幻射擊


The best fantasy dual-stick shooting game. Have a ton of fun in a short period of time!!
As a prerequisite for graduation, apprentices at Fantasy Hero Institute must survive the final test of Mori. Around the Mori Institute are scary monsters, magic bombs, goblins, insects, piranhas……………..

I’ll scare myself if I go any further! If you dare, follow the apprentices into the mysterious and unpredictable forest and help them survive the trials of the forest allowing them to graduate!

2013年5月4日 星期六

[遊戲推薦] 英雄大帝 King’s Bounty: Legions


Forge and equip your army of fantasy creatures, fight and defeat your enemies, find allies and save the King’s Bounty world! In the 3D universe of King’s Bounty you will command an army of strong, will-powered faithful warriors that will obey your every order. Choose from the best soldiers, provide them with the most effective equipment, and lead them to victory. Be wise, be brave, be the winner!

2013年5月3日 星期五

[android_game]Battle Cats_貓咪大戰爭



2013年5月1日 星期三

No Zombies Allowed_殭屍禁區

 No Zombies Allowed是一款風靡有趣的動作類遊戲,遊戲中玩家需要保護好我們的主人公免受大批殭屍的侵害,因為我們的主人公極其脆弱,經不住任意殭屍的一口。