這是一個三消類型的原創益智遊戲 , 您要嘗試著讓你的小鎮成長成為一個最大的城市 , 以取得最高的分數 , 您必須透過將三個或三個以上的建築物 或是單元連結起來 , 讓這些建築物或是單元成長 , 例如 三塊草地變成一塊灌木叢 , 三塊灌木叢變成一塊森林等等 , 直到你將整個版面都塞滿房子、教堂與城堡為止 , 在遊戲的過程中 , 你將會遭遇到巨大的熊來阻止你的小鎮發展 , 你必須智取這些熊 , 以免它門阻止你的小鎮發展.
Triple Town is an original puzzle game in which you try to grow the greatest possible city. The larger the city you build, the more points you score. You build your city by matching three or more game-pieces: combine three grasses to make a bush, three bushes to make a tree... until you've filled the board with houses, cathedrals and castles. Along the way, you'll have to outwit giant bears who will try to block your progress.
How large can you grow your dream city before the board fills and the game ends?