

2013年9月30日 星期一

Ravensword: Shadowlands Hits The Mac App Store

Ravensword: Shadowlands Hits The Mac App Store

Ravensword: Shadowlands has made the jump from Apple's iOS to OS X, and is available to download in the Mac App Store now.

Ravensword: Shadowlands Hits The Mac App Store is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年9月29日 星期日

InstaWeather Pro Receives Huge Update: Adds New Design And More

InstaWeather Pro Receives Huge Update: Adds New Design And More

The handy forecast-sharing app, InstaWeather Pro, has just received an update to version 2.5.

InstaWeather Pro Receives Huge Update: Adds New Design And More is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年9月27日 星期五

Musician’s Corner: iKlip 2 and iKlip Studio For Mini Now Shipping

Musician’s Corner: iKlip 2 and iKlip Studio For Mini Now Shipping

Check out the newest products that are ready to ship from IK Multimedia.

Musician’s Corner: iKlip 2 and iKlip Studio For Mini Now Shipping is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年9月26日 星期四

Hey, A 'World War Z' Movie Tie-In Game Is Happening

Horn [$6.99] creator Phosphor Games is working on a World War Z movie tie-in game, IGN reports on its mobile blog. It's scheduled to hit mobile devices this May 30. Details on this one are few and far between, but the teaser trailer IGN secured does shed some light on what this thing will be packing. Notably, it'll have zombies. Also, helicopters. And human arms. And crowbars. Here's the trailer:

Bad movie tie-in games (and even worse zombie games for that matter) are incredibly common on the App Store, so it's probably very wise to keep your expectations in check on this one. Don't get us wrong, it'd be neat to if Phosphor can pull this off, but it seems like time and money are always short on these sorts of projects especially given the typical scope of mobile games and the relatively low development budgets that App Store price points even allow.

Fingers cautiously optimistically crossed!

[via IGN]

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2013年9月24日 星期二

See How Fast You Can Escape In Little Viking Dungeon Of Doom

See How Fast You Can Escape In Little Viking Dungeon Of Doom

Can you escape from all of the dungeons without getting injured by the spikes, guillotines, or other dangerous obstacles?

See How Fast You Can Escape In Little Viking Dungeon Of Doom is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年9月22日 星期日

Win A Custom Collage Poster And Share Your Moments As Beautiful Artwork

Win A Custom Collage Poster And Share Your Moments As Beautiful Artwork

Here's a chance to have a custom collage poster of your own design and maybe more!

Win A Custom Collage Poster And Share Your Moments As Beautiful Artwork is a story by AppAdvice.com
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2013年9月21日 星期六

Quirky App Of The Day: Hungry Sumo Ragdoll Throws His Weight Around

Quirky App Of The Day: Hungry Sumo Ragdoll Throws His Weight Around

Watch a sumo wrestler bounce around as if he has no bones in his body.

Quirky App Of The Day: Hungry Sumo Ragdoll Throws His Weight Around is a story by AppAdvice.com
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2013年9月19日 星期四

Monday App Updates: Great Apps That Just Got Better For May 20, 2013

Monday App Updates: Great Apps That Just Got Better For May 20, 2013

Each Monday, AppAdvice presents some recently updated apps worth checking out. This week’s list features plenty of games, and some radio too.

Monday App Updates: Great Apps That Just Got Better For May 20, 2013 is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年9月17日 星期二

'Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded' Delayed Again

photo-mainHeads up: Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded isn't hitting at the end of this month, as was planned. Instead, it'll hit towards "the end of June," creator Replay Games confirmed via the game's Kickstarter page. This latest delay comes courtesy of bugs, as is the usual case with these kinds of short-ish postponements.

Here's the skinny, ripped from that update:

Here’s the problem, and thus this un-scehdule Kickstarter update: due to the pure number of bugs found in the PC version alone (the Mac version is being tested now, but not via Steam), we’re having to delay the game, yet again, until the end of June.

I can’t tell you how many phone calls, arguments, and heart breaking conversations I’ve had with my advisors on this. I SERIOUSLY wanted this game out by the end of May because we’ve postponed it more times than Larry’s been rejected. Ok, well, maybe not THAT many, but still... we’ve had some delays.

While a bummer, delays are usually a good thing. Who wants to play a buggy game? For this one in particular, a buggy release could be pretty catastrophic. If bugs keep folks from enjoying this one, there's really no incentive for them to play the next re-make in the series. Plus, there's that whole "re-introducing Larry to people who have never played the original" thing, too.

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2013年9月16日 星期一

TA Plays: 'Trigger City' - It's A Video Game

160707_largerEli and I opened up a lot about the movies that made us cry while we gave Trigger City [$0.99] a spin the other afternoon. If you don't know about it, it's a retro-inspired brawler that plays pretty much just like... a retro brawler. In the game, you're tasked with punching and kicking a bunch of bad dudes while eternally moving to the right. Sadly, there's not much more to see here outside of a currency system. Basically, you get cash for beating up folks and then you can use that to buy permanent boosts and new combos.

I'm not a big fan of this. It's pretty clear that a lot of love went into the look and sound and feel, but it fails in delivering a reason for me to feel like I need to keep fighting and moving to the right. It's kinda hollow, in a way.

You can see for yourself in our look, which includes a lot of real talk.

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2013年9月15日 星期日

Help BamBam Get Rid Of The Annoying Blobs In DipDrop

Help BamBam Get Rid Of The Annoying Blobs In DipDrop

How would you feel if annoying blobs started appearing all over your land? That's exactly what's happened to BamBam.

Help BamBam Get Rid Of The Annoying Blobs In DipDrop is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年9月13日 星期五

Thor: Lord of Storms_托爾: 雷電之神


     利用雷電之神托爾的神奇力量,去抵抗北歐神話中最黑暗的時代– 諸神之黃昏(Ragnarok) ????的來臨。把經典的北歐神話,用獨特、時尚的風格重新演繹。黑暗的魔法陣怖滿在九個世界裡,群魔出動,在所有的領域裡,造成了巨大的混亂和破壞。現 在就讓我們協助諸神們,在他們??垂死搏鬥的一刻伸出援手,讓黑暗的預言變成傳說吧!

《托爾: 雷電之神》是一個免費的、以宏偉的北歐神話為基礎的動作遊戲。選擇以神勇的托爾、機智的弗蕾亞或強悍的布倫希爾德做您的英雄,抵抗黑暗勢力。與惡魔、巨人和怪獸戰鬥,當然還有在背後操縱的黑暗魔王:陰險姣滑的洛基、火焰巨人蘇爾特和巨大的魔狼芬里爾。

自古以來,善良的諸神和人類都努力把末日預言——諸神的黃昏(Ragnarok) ????中的審判日延後:

埃達經 詩篇 《女巫的預言》



﹣ 操作簡單,但充滿挑戰和深度的遊戲
﹣ 沿著生命之樹的世界進發,把黑間魔法陣一一擊破
﹣ 選擇你最喜愛的北歐神話英雄:雷電之神托爾、愛之女神弗蕾亞、堅毅女武神布倫希爾德;
﹣ 提升你的英雄、軍隊和絕技等;
﹣ 召喚諸神包括主神奧丁、提爾、埃爾及其他北歐神話內的英雄神獸與你一起參與戰爭;
﹣ 建立你的軍隊,粉碎黑暗預言諸神的黃昏(Ragnarok)

你的努力是否有助於防止黑暗預言諸神的黃昏(Ragnarok)中末日的那一天來臨呢?神和人的厄運掌握在你的手中!立即下載免費的《 托爾: 雷電之神》!

game link:


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2013年9月10日 星期二




提 供?????中?最高????????、4????????????????????????????体??組?合???、???無料????????? 大??力?注????。?????、???????????最高?????????????????常?努力????、???????????????? 待??????。

Grab the wheel, load up your guns, hit the road and leave the mangled wrecks of your victories in the dust as you battle to become the best in the exciting vehicular combat game Indestructible!

Are you sick of all those boring, repetitive farming games? Then blow some %^&* up in this fully 3D, online multiplayer action game!

Including three unique multiplayer game modes: Capture the Flag, Death Match and Recover The Charge

Customize you vehicles with rocket launchers, laser guns, auto-cannons and more!

All set in a gritty post-apocalyptic world. Battle with your latest vehicle creations!

Enabling awesome stunts such as flips and power-slides!

We've worked hard to bring you some of the best graphics available on iOS, combined with the thrilling game-play of 4-player multiplayer action - all for FREE. We're constantly striving to make Indestructible the best multiplayer game on the market, so we really value your feedback.

game link:


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2013年9月9日 星期一

'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run' Review - Turtle-Tapping Fun

The opening to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Rooftop Run [$1.99], an endless runner based on Nickelodeon's reboot of the popular '90s cartoon, is almost as awesome as the game itself. We open on a shot of our four heroes in a half-shell lounging around the sewer den playing video games. A very young and spunky April O'Neil comes bursting into the room, shouting at the love-struck mutant teenagers to turn on the news, which shows alien invaders descending on New York City.

Boggled at the nerve of the alien riffraff, the heroes rush up to the surface, spout a lot of talk about kicking some alien butt--and immediately set off running when the alien ship swoops in from above and gives chase. My heroes.

Humorous as it may be to see those turtle tough guys turn tail, I'm glad they did, because the resulting adventure makes for one of the more creative runners on the App Store. After choosing a turtle, your hero sets off at a dash, leaving you to tap the screen to leap gaps between buildings and ninja-kick Foot soldiers and aliens in your path. As you run, you'll need to collect green orbs to keep the glowing meter at the top of the screen from draining. Should it deplete, the ship beams you up and, one presumes, the crew dines on turtle soup.

The controls are as responsive as they are intuitive, and that's good, since flubbed jumps and getting cold-cocked makes you stumble, giving the alien ship time to gain ground. Jump from the lip of a rooftop, however, and you'll hit the ground running. The same goes for attacking. Tap the screen when your turtle brushes shoulders with a Foot and you'll perform a strike that clobbers the bad guy and boosts you forward. Spiky traps, pits, and enemy soldiers appear in increasing quantities as you run along. Tap without missing a beat and your chosen turtle will vault smoothly along, providing excellent visual feedback.

Those ooze orbs you gulp down along the way do more than increase your speed. Collecting enough orbs to fill your speed meter triggers Turtle Time, a combat mini-game where you tap the screen to put the hurtin' on Foot soldiers. The novelty wears off once you realize you're participating in a glorified quick time event, but it switches up the usual runner formula nicely.

As expertly as plucking all the bells of a target dummy without making a sound, you pick the pocket of every Foot soldier you clobber, earning coins you can use to buy gear, costumes, and weapons. You can also save up thousands upon thousands of coins to unlock extra characters--including the other Ninja Turtles. Yes, after a few rounds running with my homeboy Raphael, I went back to the sewer only to find that Master Splinter had changed the locks. All four turtles are available when the game begins, but the three you left behind cost over 3,000 coins each when you return to the lair.

Even my longest runs only netted around 200 coins, but some of the more expert players in our forums are racking up earnings in the thousands of coins, so your mileage may vary. There's a grind here for sure, but it's not insurmountable by any means. Completing three Turtle Times in a row opens up a boss fight, and KO'ing these heavy hitters earns you tons of coins, but decking out a single turtle with tricked-out gear such as slower energy loss and cyber weapons requires a hefty time investment.

Offering all four Hero Turtles (I just dropped a culture bomb) only to lock away three of them when your back's turned is irritating, but far from a deal breaker. TMNT Rooftop Run makes for a rollicking good time, especially if you enjoy runners but crave a recipe with some spice.

TouchArcade Rating:

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2013年9月4日 星期三

[Android 推薦遊戲] 逆轉三國

穿越時空,三國志征伐大冒險! 三國志謎之力量大揭露!橫掃世界的新戰法遊戲最高峰登場! !





穿越時空, 三國志?世界征伐大冒險!
300枚超強武將卡收集限定! 武將???????追加予定!

Google Play Link 遊戲的連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.mobage.g23000046&hl=zh_TW

App Store Link 遊戲的連結 : https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/ni-zhuan-san-guo/id533744303?mt=8

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2013年9月3日 星期二

plants war_植物保衛戰



植物保衛戰- 即時移動動作對戰競技場 「謝謝,由於 GAMEVIL的植物保衛戰, 我現在隨時可以玩像 League of Legends和DOTA 種類的動作遊戲。 -Unbound Gamer
植物保衛戰僅僅是一個驚人的戰略戰爭遊戲,玩家會發現自己無望沉迷於對下一階段的推進,甚至用 Leafy 試圖獲取另一個可以解鎖的角色 - Gameteep
在這款 RTS/RPG 動作遊戲中,通過戰略指揮多種花卉單位攻打怪獸,來幫助利菲和他的同伴們保護樹靈森林。操控你的英雄,獲得特殊技能,並升級你的植物戰士來守衛森林,打敗入侵者!
遊戲配備令人炫目的 3D 視覺效果,史詩般的遊戲配樂,以及直觀的觸摸控制,將徹底征服所有即時戰略遊戲和角色扮演遊戲的玩家。
全 3D 圖形與縮放動作控制
終極 3D 動畫與直觀的觸摸屏操控,讓你肆意稱霸戰場!
超過 40 個(更多即將推出)富有挑戰的戰鬥關卡,讓你數小時遊戲後扔愛不釋手!
通過 24 場戰鬥挑戰追求卓越,並收集特殊道具!


Plants War- Realtime Mobile Action Battle Arena

"Thanks to Plants War from GAMEVIL, I can now take the action packed mechanics of League of Legends and DOTA on the go. " -Unbound Gamer

"Plants War is simply an amazing strategic war game. Players will find themselves hopeless addicted to advancing towards the next stage or even trying to obtain another Leafy unlock-able character." - Gameteep

Protect the last source of life on Earth!
Beasts have invaded Dryad Forest. In order to defend their home, the plants of the forest must extract the power of Lake Naiad to become Heroes in this epic battle for land.

Help Leafy and friends protect Dryad Forest by strategically commanding multiple floral units to attack Beasts in this RTS/ RPG action game. Control your hero, gain special skills and upgrade your horticultural warriors to guard the forest from invaders!

Equipped with dazzling 3D visuals, an epic soundtrack and intuitive touch controls, this game will stun any fan of real-time strategy and role playing games.


Defend Lake Naiad from the beasts, strategically launch your spawns to attack!

A wide array of Heroes can be purchased with leaves earned throughout battle. Gain experience, level up and unlock secret abilities!

Freely roam the battlefield in ultimate 3D animation with intuitive touch screen controls!

Over 40+ (more to come) challenging battle stages for hours of nonstop action!

Pursue greatness through 24 eclectic battle challenges and collect special items!

game link:


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2013年9月2日 星期一

ABC’s Social Soundtracker Promises To Bring Another Layer To The TV Viewing Experience

ABC’s Social Soundtracker Promises To Bring Another Layer To The TV Viewing Experience

From ABC News, the system has launched as a Web-based app. An iPhone version is expected early next month.

ABC’s Social Soundtracker Promises To Bring Another Layer To The TV Viewing Experience is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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