

2013年8月31日 星期六

Interactive Fiction Authors The Cabrera Brothers are Working on a Horror Adventure

Late last year Lost Treasures of Infocom [Free] hit the App Store, and all sorts of horrifying traumatic memories of my childhood came flooding back to me as I inevitably got stuck in each of the games I tried following unlocking the whole $9.99 library of ancient interactive text-only adventure gaming. The sad thing (Well, that's debatable, I suppose.) is that once the advent of computer graphics hit, these text-only adventure games quickly became extinct.

The good news is that indie duo Carlos and Javier Cabrera (Who together make up The Cabrera Brothers, shockingly enough) have been bringing back this method of storytelling with the (relatively) recently released Mac and PC game Cypher which is billed as a "cyberpunk text adventure." Weirder yet, it's made in Unity, the game engine you probably know best from amazing looking 3D games like Dead Trigger [Free]. Cypher reviewed well, although it came with the obvious caveat of "You've got to be in to text adventures."

The reason this is all relevant is becomes The Cabrera Brothers are working on a new project, a horror adventure, that's going to be making its way to iOS devices as well. As someone who would've vastly preferred playing Cypher on the iPad, I'm pretty stoked to hear this news. One of my favorite things about the App Store is its ease of access facilitates crazy projects like this. I mean, a brand new text adventure in 2013? That's crazy, but I love it.

If you're interested in checking out Cypher for the Mac or PC, head over to The Cabrera Brothers' web site where you can download a DRM-free copy for anywhere between $15 and $25 depending on how many "bonus" items you want with it. Additionally, If you want to be alerted for news (and a potential release) of their upcoming horror game, make sure to add this game to your TouchArcade app [Free] watch list.

View the original article here

2013年8月30日 星期五

Chillingo's Upcoming 'Madmonster' Is An OK Arcade-y Game That Lacks Depth

There's not a really tidy way to categorize Chillingo's Madmonster. It's not a runner, even though it does task you with guiding a tiny monster dude around a world from left to right in an endless charge. It's not a platform game, even though its core mechanic revolves around that monster bouncing up and down and smashing various objects. It's a game that sits in the middle between these two genres, satisfying neither's conditions as neatly as I want it to. And while I'm being wishy-washy: it's not a thrilling game, either, though it is a competent arcade-y game.

To rewind: In Madmonster, you control a brown-ish, pink fuzz ball with some nasty looking teeth in an overall quest to destroy everything in its path. By tapping on either the left or the right side of the screen, you plough this furry ball of death into anything that gets in its way. Curiously, whenever you make contact with an object -- be it tank, bomb or even satellite dish -- the monster bounces off of it and then goes airborne. The more junk you run into as you're flying through the air, the higher you go. If you get high enough, you hit outer space, instantly reminding you that, yes, this is a video game.

The overarching goal is simple enough -- destroy stuff, got it; check. But the scenario design does a good job breaking this task down into its finer parts, giving you more to do than wanton savagery. To get through a given level, you might need to obliterate 10 helicopters, 10 tanks, and ten infantry. Or maybe you'll need to stay airborne for a handful of seconds, as well as kill 10 tanks and 10 infantry. A handy chunk of UI in the corner reminds you of the tasks needed to progress, while a timer keeps you from hanging out and chilling instead of wrecking stuff.

The core loop goes pretty predictably. Run into a level, smash into stuff, and rocket up and away into the skies while smashing into more and more stuff. I've been getting cheap arcade thrills from this and the controls feel fine, but there's not much more to it. I feel like there needs to be a little more depth here. Also, strangely, Madmonster does a really bad job pointing out when there's an object underneath you, which makes keeping a bouncing combo going almost entirely a luck-based thing.

That's not to say it's bad; this is a competent game. Everything works. You hit stuff, you get points. Click; treat. It's when you start needing something less visceral from the game is when it starts falling apart in my head.

Anyway, now for the model: even though this is a regular, premium game Madmonster has an in-game store. You can buy power-ups, upgrades for your ball, decorations, new monsters, and consumable items from it with coins, which can be grabbed in levels or obtained via an in-app purchase. I really don't want to spend an hour talking about this, so I won't. I'll just leave it at this: my initial impression is that this game is pretty aggressive with its store, which is baffling since, you know, the game cost money and all.

If you just like flipping out your phone and doing something mindless, this might just be up your alley. Just check out the video we've got in this post to see if it'll click with you, otherwise maybe keep tabs on our forum thread and see what other people are thinking, too. Who knows? Maybe it has a super exciting end game.

Madmonster releases tonight on the App Store. You can add the game to your Watch List via our app [Free] and get a Push notification whenever it releases.

International App Store Link: Madmonster, $.99

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2013年8月28日 星期三

Twitter Finally Updates Its Native Mac Client With Retina Support And More

Twitter Finally Updates Its Native Mac Client With Retina Support And More

The updated version also features an easier way to share photos.

Twitter Finally Updates Its Native Mac Client With Retina Support And More is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年8月26日 星期一

Capcom Confirms Obvious 'Phoenix Wright' Delays, Due in July

I feel like we've been waiting so long for the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy HD that asking where it is in comments on Wednesdays has practically ascended to meme status. Regardless, this morning our pals at Joystiq spotted a surprisingly candid post on the Capcom forums where Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer and Senior Vice-President of Capcom USA, simply says:

For reasons unknown to me, the release has slid another several months to July. Sorry guys. :(

Originally slated for release last year, fans of the DS trilogy of Phoenix Wright games have just a little more waiting to do, assuming there aren't any further delays. Something to consider though, a release window of July could mean the game just might be playable at E3, which certainly would be a promising sign that it's actually coming.

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2013年8月25日 星期日

Got Bird Mania? This Game Will Calm Your Hysteria

Got Bird Mania? This Game Will Calm Your Hysteria

Fly as far as your little wings will carry you in this distance runner game that originally launched on the 3DS.

Got Bird Mania? This Game Will Calm Your Hysteria is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年8月24日 星期六

[Android 推薦遊戲] Strikefleet Omega 亞米茄攻擊艦隊

地球已經被蜂巢女王和她生育的部隊摧毀了,你指揮人類的最後一道防線歐米茄攻擊艦隊。作為歐米茄艦隊的指揮官,玩家的挑戰是完成一個希望十分渺小的使命 - 找到蜂巢女王的位置,並阻止她抹殺地球剩餘的其他殖民地。


Earth has been destroyed by the Hive Queen and her Brood and you command Humanity's last defender, Strikefleet Omega. As Omega's Admiral, you are charged with a desperate mission--find the Queen and stop her before she obliterates our remaining colonies.

Warping from star system to star system in your search, Strikefleet Omega struggles to survive an onslaught of enemy attacks while mining precious crystals which allow you to warp in reinforcements from the last remaining shipyard in the Armada.

“Strikefleet Omega may very well be the best strategy game available for phones and tablets right
now.” - EGM
“It's a must-download for anyone who enjoys games that require fast reflexes and quick thinking, or just wants to have a blast while making sure humanity sticks around for a while.” - GamezeboFrom Harebrained Schemes, creators of Apple's Benchmark Game of 2011 & Metacritic.com’s Best iPhone Games of 2011, Crimson: Steam Pirates, comes STRIKEFLEET OMEGA!

***** Earth’s finest fleet, Humanity’s final hour.*****

Creative & Evocative ★★★★★ Totally brilliant design. No gameplay quite like it. Highly recommended.
Great Game ★★★★★ The production qualities are top notch. Another great game by Harebrained Schemes!PLAY IN CAMPAIGN OR SURVIVAL MODE!********************************************************************************

Choose from dozens of powerful capital ships such as:Ω Starfighter Carriers launch fighter squadrons you control with a drag of your fingerΩ Artillery Gunships fire devastating area-effect salvos with just a tapΩ Advanced Mining ships gather warp crystals faster and more efficientlyΩ Bomber Carriers launch bomber groups to assault huge alien capital ships

Ω Particle Projection Gunships destroy anything caught in the beam you drag with your finger

And many, many more—including the devastating DEATH BLOSSOM, which unleashes the full power of your command ship, destroying entire waves of enemies at once! ********************************************************************************
Join the Armada and take your place as the Admiral of Strikefleet Omega!Epic space combat awaits! Humanity depends on you!

Google Play Link 遊戲的連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sixwaves.strikefleetomega&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwMiwiY29tLnNpeHdhdmVzLnN0cmlrZWZsZWV0b21lZ2EiXQ..

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2013年8月22日 星期四

Explore Your Green Thumb in 'Weed Farmer Homegrown', a Surprisingly Complex Tycoon Game

I still have fond memories of playing Plant Tycoon and Fish Tycoon on my Treo 650, as they were pretty perfect light simulation timer-based games that just seemed to work really well on the tiny touchscreen of ancient smartphones. Well, the Grow Brothers are revisiting that similar gameplay with Weed Farmer Homegrown [$3.99]. However, if like me, you assumed that Weed Farmer would be a super-simple game designed to prey on the same type of people who buy trucker hats at Spencer's, you'd be way off. As my first play session revealed, Weed Farmer seems to be surprisingly complex.

Cultivating your, err, crop, involves going through all the different stages of raising plants starting from germinating your seeds all the way up to ensuring maximum yield across 30 different plant varieties. You need to worry about bugs, fungus, hydration, and even nutrient deficiencies in your plants while you deal with your lighting, ventilation, and so much more- It's actually sort of intimidating.

Better yet, there's even a full online component which tracks multiple leaderboards for growers and even constantly backs up all of your data. Weed Farmer also has a shockingly active online community of players in their own forum to supplement the extensive guides and FAQs on how to play the game.

It'd be super-easy to dismiss Weed Farmer as just some dumb drug game, but it's totally not. Sure, the goal is to cultivate and sell marijuana, but I guess I never had reason to realize just how involved it all is. If you're in to simulation games, and don't mind the admittedly fairly strange subject matter, give Weed Farmer Homegrown a look.

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2013年8月20日 星期二

Out Now: 'House of the Dead', 'Iron Man 3', 'LEGO Batman', 'Robot Unicorn Attack 2' and More

If you haven't noticed by the explosion of new game posts today, it's Wednesday, which arguably is the best day of the week for iOS gamers as we're teased with the new releases which start in New Zealand and slowly trickle across the rest of the planet until we finally see them stateside at 11:00 PM Eastern. There's a surprising amount of really big name titles this week, so it'll be interesting to see what gets love from Apple during tomorrow's App Store featuring update.

Gun Commando

First Impressions: 'Gun Commando' Offers Both a Familiar and Fresh First-person Shooter Experience

Graphics in Gun Commando are really simple, with blocky environments and textures, but it has a really cool stylized look that makes it feel like you're playing an '80s cartoon. The levels are simplistic and are all really bite-sized, which is well-suited to mobile. You aren't likely to get lost working your way through them, but there are 3 trophies to search out and collect in each one and plenty of little secret areas to find that give you additional goals to shoot for.

Forum Thread: Gun Commando - (by Ripstone Ltd) [Universal]
House of the Dead: Overkill

First Impressions: 'House of the Dead: Overkill - The Lost Reels' - Sega's Classic Arcade Shooter Comes to the Touchscreen

The game is broken up into three different "movies" which each contain four levels and a boss fight at the end. The initial download gives you the first movie, Papa's Palace of Pain, as well as a locked second movie Ballistic Trauma. You unlock that second movie merely by playing through the first, but the third movie, Naked Terror, must be purchased for a $1.99 IAP. I don't mind so much having to pay for additional DLC levels in games, but on day one in a paid game that already only comes with two chapters it feels a bit weird.

Forum Thread: The House of the Dead: Overkill?- The Lost Reels - (by SEGA) [Universal]
Iron Man 3

First Impressions: Gameloft's Upcoming 'Iron Man 3' Adds Timers to the Endless Runner Formula
Nearly a gig installed, Iron Man 3 is a behind the back endless runner flyer where you control Iron Man blasting down a highway (and other locales). The game starts by asking you not only if it can send you push alerts, but also if it can have access to your contacts, and the free to play stuff just gets stranger from there.

Forum Thread: Iron Man 3 - The Official Game - (by Gameloft) [Universal]
LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes
First Impressions: 'Lego Batman: DC Super Heroes' Looks Like a Pretty Full-featured Action Game

If you liked the iOS versions of Lego Harry Potter then chances are you'll dig this latest Batman incarnation, as it seems to be in the same vein. Or, if you just like Batman and other DC heroes, you'll probably get a kick out of it too.

Forum Thread: LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes (by Warner Bros.) [Universal]

First Impressions: Chillingo's Upcoming 'Madmonster' Is An OK Arcade-y Game That Lacks Depth
There's not a really tidy way to categorize Chillingo's Madmonster. It's not a runner, even though it does task you with guiding a tiny monster dude around a world from left to right in an endless charge. It's not a platform game, even though its core mechanic revolves around that monster bouncing up and down and smashing various objects. It's a game that sits in the middle between these two genres, satisfying neither's conditions as neatly as I want it to. And while I'm being wishy-washy: it's not a thrilling game, either, though it is a competent arcade-y game.

Forum Thread: Madmonster - (by Chillingo Ltd) [Universal]
Random Heroes 2

Announcement: Freebie Alert: In Celebration of 'Random Heroes 2' Launching this Week, 'League of Evil 2' Goes Free
The original Random Heroes was pretty cool, but Ravenous is hoping to ratchet things up in the sequel with new mechanics, new enemies, and plenty of hew heroes to play as. Check out the latest trailer to see the new game in motion.

Forum Thread: Random Heroes 2 - (by Ravenous Games Inc.) [Universal]
Robot Unicorn Attack 2
First Impressions: Surprise Sequel to 'Robot Unicorn Attack' hits New Zealand App Store

This one does depart in a few key areas. Most likely, folks are probably going to latch onto the new unicorn customization component and the systems that revolve around it. As you run, you collect metallic tears. With these, you can buy pieces of equipment or parts for your robotic unicorn. Want a flaming mane? Sure, it's in there. How about a new sternum? Yup, you can grab that, too.

Forum Thread: Robot Unicorn Attack 2 - (by [adult swim]) [Universal]
Talisman Prologue HD
Preview: TA Plays: 'Talisman Prologue HD' - A Radical iPad Recreation of the Classic Board Game

Rewinding a bit, Talisman Prologue on mobile is a fantasy-ass fantasy RPG. In it, you play as an adventurer tasked with doing hero-y deeds. As a Barbarian, for example, one of the quests charges you with saving a princess from a duo of ogres and taking her back to the castle. The first Monk quest has you looking for a cross and delivering it to the Chapel because looking for artifacts is pretty cool. Other adventurers have more... narratively adventurous quests, but you get the idea. Also, all the production design in the game is traditional; it has that rugged, old-school pulp fantasy book look that extends all the way to creature design and into font.

Forum Thread: Talisman Prologue HD - (by Thumbstar Games) [Universal]

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2013年8月18日 星期日

Zynga Doubles Down on 'Draw Something' With the Release of 'Draw Something 2'

Heads up: Draw Something 2 [$2.99 / Free] is now a video game that you can play. There's two versions on the App Store. The one with a price, the "premium version" as Zynga calls it, gives you access to a free star and coin bonus and a free sparkle pen. It also doesn't have any ads. The other version is, naturally, free-to-play and can be upgraded, if you so choose. Seems like folks are digging the former.

There's a lot of people and analyst types wondering if this is going to be a big win for Zynga, which is a company that's been struggling of late. We've been passing around a NY Times article in the office this morning about this very thing. It's an interesting read that dives into how much dough the publisher has been tossing into the promotion of Draw Something 2 and how rough it's been over at the company in the recent past.

Our take is that it won't do as much damage on the charts as the first game. There was something in the air when the original managed to hit the heights that it did. The fall-off was incredible after it peaked. Folks seemed to pump their brakes on it just as hard as they hit the gas when it first came out.

Anyway, Draw Something 2 is a game you can play now. If you still like drawing pictures and making your friends guess what you drew, this seems like the game for you.

View the original article here

2013年8月17日 星期六

IX-Runner Lite


IX-Runner Lite ??明

Run! Run! Run! 奪???新技術?再取???!
簡便?操作?迅速?????感??????????IX-Runner??紹介???。 ????台?高?跳??、?道?急速?下????遠????????????。 ?????障害物?????????前?遮?? ???、危????場合?挑??????。

■ ?純???????????????!??????????的?出????純?構造????、精巧?作??????????????????????????????????。??????????????欠?????????心血?注??????????!

■ ????差別化???3人???????!?????2回???????????、?????????????????????????????。差別化????略??????攻略????????。

■ ???仕掛?!?????????????????????、加速??????仕掛?、高??????可能????????????台。以外??多??仕掛?????????新??追加????。

■ GameCenter?、世界?友人???競?????????!IX-Runner?各?????、陸上?短距離?????????。各???????記????????、??更新??????。自分?得意??????優勝?狙????????!

■ ?????良?記??!IX-Runner?店主??????????援???。速度?引?上????靴????強化??????提供??????。????、?金?少?受??????。


Run! Run! Run! Get the new techonolgy back from the enemy!

IX-Runner requires only simple controlling but gives you high sensation of speed. Jump higher with jump pad, roll down a slope and jump further. There will be monsters and obstacles on your way, but it worths to challenge! 

Now challenge! and please, block to Dr. levites’s bad ambition.

■ IX-Runner is not simple running game, but platform arcade game. It consists of a very exquisite stages. Of course, this provides random maps. Also this is prepared a fantastic Boss stages.

■ 3 characters have each other skill! JULY has double jump, and ALEX can get rid of thorny monster. You can make full use of this another skill for stage.

■ Various equipments! Jumping can get rid of monster, And an accelerator is available to fast running. Also Spring jumper is can high jump. In addition many equipments are added to every stage.

■ You can compete with friends of the world in "Game center"! We check your record, and renewal in each stage. Look as if it's a sprint race. Do win a victory at your confident stage!

■ you can set a faster record through item! In store has shoes(for faster speed) and strong liquid medicine. Emilly is supporting to it, she hope cheer for you. of course, she receive cost little bit.

■ You can play this App on iPhone, iPad. Also support to three languages.(English, Japanese, Korean)

■ Enjoy more various contents with full version!


game link:

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2013年8月16日 星期五

The Best Streaming Music Services: Rdio, Spotify, Slacker Radio And More

The Best Streaming Music Services: Rdio, Spotify, Slacker Radio And More

There are lots of streaming music service on the market. Here are some of the best.

The Best Streaming Music Services: Rdio, Spotify, Slacker Radio And More is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年8月14日 星期三

Battle Robots!_戰鬥機器人!_バトロボ!


在“戰鬥機器人!”你將控制一個可愛的,但致命的機器人在 挑戰所有120階段。











game link:



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2013年8月12日 星期一

'Lego Batman: DC Super Heroes' Looks Like a Pretty Full-featured Action Game

If you're a longtime iOS gamer then you probably remember Lego Batman: Gotham City Games, the first Lego Batman game to grace the App Store. You also probably remember that it was an uninspired collection of mini-games that was a far cry in terms of enjoyment from its console counterpart. These are painful memories.

Well, it's been more than four years but perhaps there's finally a chance for redemption with Lego Batman: DC Super Heroes, set to hit the App Store in the US in just a few hours. We'll be looking forward to checking it out then, but even already you can tell that this is a far cry from that other Lego Batman game.

First off, this is a full 3D action title, similar to the console Lego games and even Lego Harry Potter [$4.99] on iOS. You'll run around doing 3D platforming and light puzzle solving, all the while beating up on both bad guys and objects and then collecting the sweet, sweet Lego studs that are left behind, which are then used to buy different characters and other goodies. Lego Batman: DC Super Heroes boasts an 80 character roster, and not surprisingly it looks like you can buy studs as IAP if you desire.

Controls are also always a concern with a game like this, and Lego Batman: DC Super Heroes offers two different options. First is your standard "Classic" virtual stick and buttons setup, and second is a streamlined "Touch Screen" option which simply has you touching where you want the character to go and tapping items to interact with them.

If you liked the iOS versions of Lego Harry Potter then chances are you'll dig this latest Lego Batman incarnation, as it seems to be in the same vein. Or, if you just like Batman and other DC heroes, you'll probably get a kick out of it too. Add it to your TouchArcade [Free] app Watch List to be alerted when it hits the US later tonight, and check out our forums for even more impressions and discussion.

International App Store Link: LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes, $4.99 (Universal)

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2013年8月11日 星期日

[Android 推薦遊戲] Puzzle Family 我要搬家

Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Wow!!!! Wow!!!!
Com2Us's ultra-Korean Puzzle Family. It's full of crazy-fun minigames, but to get in on all the fun you're either going to need to pony up some cash, or invest some substantial time playing. Here's the deal: you start out with three of the game's eight minigames available to play. One is unlocked for free, one is unlocked by connecting Puzzle Family to your Facebook account, and one is unlocked by signing into Com2Us's gaming hub.

If you want to unlock anything else, it's going to cost you stars. You can earn stars by playing the games (but

slowly), or you can pay to get them in larger amounts. Unlocking all eight games is going to take a serious investment of your time, or more than a couple of your hard-earned dollars.

So if you're someone who wants to pay for a game upfront and have it all available to you, give this one a pass. But let me just say one thing first: Puzzle Family is really, really fun. Most of the minigames are takes on matching games, but they're interesting takes. If you can resist the siren song of IAP, you can easily get by with the three unlocked games in the free version and have a lot of fun while slowly working towards unlocking the rest of the content.

Action and more excitement in 8 delightful puzzle games...
6 million gamers are already over-thrilled to play in Puzzle Family!!
Full HD screen version for YOU ONLY.

★★★★★ Loving it! -by July72
I am obsessed with this game, i can't stop!
★★★★★ Really cute game! -by hongren
Great animation! Challenging!
★★★★★ Awesome -by Samantha Zgombick
So addicting, love the graphics!
Many puzzlers have played and enjoyed...
Now, it's your turn to try it out!
This game supports English, francais, Deutsch, ??, 中國語 and 日本語
??Next Updates!!
Coming up..new puzzle games! We are Puzzle Family!!

Google Play Link 遊戲連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.com2us.puzzlefamily.up.freefull.google.global.android.common&hl=en

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2013年8月10日 星期六

Freebie Alert: Entire Pangea Software Catalog Goes Free for the Day

Long, long time Mac developer Pangea Software was amongst the first to really go full-steam into iOS development and the new App Store back in the early iPhone days. Because of that, some of their titles will always stand out to me as absolute classics for the time that they were released. Games like Cro-Mag Rally and Enigmo. Pangea has also always been really good at adopting new technology and features, often being first out of the gate to implement things like Retina Display support and Game Center online multiplayer.

So, Pangea is a solid developer with a great history, but the iOS App Store in particular has been really good to them. In an effort to thank all their fans, they've made their entire iOS game catalog free for the next 24 hours. Here's a list of what's on offer, including their games which are free to begin with.

Air Wings Intergalactic, (Normally Free)Air Wings, (Normally Free)Antimatter, $1.99 → FREEBilly Frontier, $2.99 → FREEBugdom 2, $2.99 → FREECro-Mag Rally, $3.99 → FREEEnigmo, $1.99 → FREEEnigmo Deluxe, $2.99 → FREE (iPad Only)Enigmo 2, $2.99 → FREEJive Turkey Shoot, (Normally Free)Monkey Bongo, $2.99 → FREENanosaur 2, $3.99 → FREENucleus, $1.99 → FREEOtto Matic, $2.99 → FREEQuarters!!, $1.99 → FREE (*Not showing as free just yet)Warheads, $1.99 → FREE (*Not showing as free just yet)

This isn't the first time Pangea has had a freebie blowout like this, in particular they did this a couple of years back for their third anniversary on the App Store, but there are some quality titles on offer here for zero dollars so if there are some games listed above which you haven't discovered yet now is a great time to check them out. Also, if you like being alerted to freebies like this be sure to have the TouchArcade [Free] app installed to get notifications when time-limited sales like this go into effect.

View the original article here

2013年8月7日 星期三

[Android 推薦遊戲,] Sparkle Drop 閃閃落落 推幣機


Drop coins and collect gems! Become the Jewelry Princess!
"Sparkle Drop!" is a free and simple coin game. Collect gems by pushing coins into the target area. Use your gems to create beautiful jewelry!


** How to play **

- Drop coins by tapping or swiping the screen!
- Catch the falling gems!
- Create jewelry with gems you've collected!
- Enjoy the jewelry collection and become the Jewelry Princess!
Twelve kinds of gems can be collected; e.g. diamond, ruby, emerald, pearl, etc.
Use your gems to create your own jewelry, such as rings, earrings, necklaces and tiaras!
Enjoy your jewelry collection by rotating your pieces in different angles.
To complete your jewelry collection, try to create every type of accessory.
Unlock all the secrets and receive the Grand Tiara!
Create the Tiara and become the Jewelry Princess!!!

?????????!攻略??????How-to guide for Sparkle Drop!? 新????????作???????!?
How do I create every piece of jewelry!?

??????、????????????、??????&????????、????????????? ??????(????)
??????(????)?作???必要?????????????(????)2個。  Some jewelry requires that you create two or more of another type of jewelry first. Here's a hint: if the silhouette of desired jewelry is the same shape as another piece you've created, try creating another one!?For example: Here's how you get the Rose Earrings (Gold)
First, create two sets of Heart Earrings (Platinum), and then you will be able to create the Rose Earrings (Gold)Other kinds of jewelry have prerequisites, i.e. you must create a other jewelry first.?For example: Here's how you get the Antique Necklace
First, create the Ribbon Ring, Pink Diamond Ring, Aquamarine & Sapphire Ring and Open-heart Necklace, and then you will be able to create the Antique Necklace.
   ?????????! ??????????《亮晶晶DROP!推薦要點》** Sparkle Drop! Features ** ●無料?遊??!


- Free to play
- Easy game play
- Even if you run out of coins, you can wait for more (up to 50)
- Special coins help you collect coins faster - For example: +2 coins, +5 coins, +? coins, Squeeze bonus, Metamorphosis coins, etc.
- Dazzling 3D jewelry!
- Beautifully designed Sparkling gems



View the original article here

2013年8月5日 星期一

Colorful Sequel 'Mr. Runner 2: The Masks' Hits the App Store

GameVision's Mr. Runner [Free] series has proven popular on the App Store, garnering more than 5 million downloads across its normal and Plus [Free] versions. Yesterday a proper sequel to the original games appeared in the App Store, titled Mr. Runner 2: The Masks [$0.99].

Mr. Runner 2 is an auto-running game. Big surprise, right? However, unlike most typical runners that have you jumping over enemies and gaps in the terrain, you're actually tasked with controlling your character's speed in order to safely get through the very dangerously designed levels.

You see, as you run along, the ceiling will occasionally lower down to meet the floor. There are plenty of very fortunately-placed gaps in the ceiling though, so you'll need to slow down or speed up your character so that you're situated in one of these gaps at the time the ceiling decides to drop down, thus saving you from getting crushed.

This is the same mechanic used for the previous Mr. Runner games, but here in this sequel just about every other aspect of the game has been fleshed out and otherwise improved. Graphically, the stark black and white and simple stick figure of the original has been replaced with vibrant, colorful, cartoon-like visuals. It really looks (and sounds) fantastic. You'll also get a whole store full of different upgrades and power-ups to use, as well as an assortment of masks to outfit Mr. Runner with. The game is chock full of pop-culture and video game references, and I've easily spotted a dozen or so just in the first few levels which have made me crack a smile.

On the surface I really like all the improvements made in Mr. Runner 2 compared to the first game, but there are some things I'm not too crazy about. First and foremost is a lack of iPhone 5 widescreen support, as well as Universal iPad support, both of which are said to be coming in an update soon. Also, everything in the game seems so deeply tied to the in-game currencies and IAP that it always feels like it's in your face. I'll have to keep on playing to see just how skewed towards IAP anything in the game really is, but it was enough to stick out to me after spending just a short time with the game.

However, for the most part Mr. Runner 2 seems like a more than competent sequel to the first game, so if you enjoyed that then I imagine you'll really enjoy what's on offer here. It's available right now, and impressions and discussion are taking place in our forums, so be sure to check it out.

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2013年8月4日 星期日

[Android 推薦遊戲] Infectonator 2 殭屍傳染者 2

在這個有趣的遊戲中 玩家的目標就是盡量的感染更多的殭屍 玩家要在城鎮中施放病毒 或是 殭屍 盡可能的感染最多的市民 並利用賺到的錢 研究新的殭屍 以及 強化殭屍的 速度 防護 攻擊 以及感染的能力 以便將整個世界都變成殭屍的血紅世界 每一次攻擊後都會有新聞的報導來說明 玩家攻擊的成果
Infectonator 2 is here! Sequel to the hit Infectonator series, this new game adds a lot of depth, giving you the control to infect entire continents one by one, more funny characters, better graphics, many things to upgrade, and more! Best of all, it still has the same addictive chain reaction gameplay! Infectonator 2 gives you all the awesomeness of Infecting people, turn them into zombies, and dominating the World once again!

Infectonator takes a retro-perspective on the usual zombie domination games. However, it requires much more intelligence than many would first realize. You are assigned a number of people to kill, and utilizing the upgrades available to you through the collection of coins you have racked up, you must infect the petrified humans in only one click of the mouse...

Tired of killing zombies? How about turning people into zombies instead!
"Best Game of the Year 2012" - Armor Games
"Carnage Was Never So Cute" - JayisGames
"Guaranteed to bring mayhem fun" - Indigo Entertainment
"This Game is Epic" - AstralX7
"Infectonator is made more robust" - IGN
"Great Pixel Art Graphics" - AppAdvice

Infectonator is infecting mobile devices! From the popular Flash game hit, The Infectonator series is now mobile. New characters, awesome pixel-art graphics, and more! Best of all, it still has the same addictive chain reaction gameplay! Infectonator gives you all the awesomeness of Infecting people, turn them into zombies, and dominate the World once again from the palm of your hands!

On the completion of each level you are given the opportunity to purchase upgrades and bonuses.

The upgrades consist of:

    Damage Resistance (your zombies will be attacked as well)
    Infection Chance

And the bonuses:

    Money collecting radius (how far away your zombies have to be to collect the gold coins)
    Bomb (used by the same method as infecting)
    Ability for virus to penetrate through walls

Each skill can be upgraded 10 times, when you scroll through each upgrade it will display at the bottom what the upgrade will do. For example if I have just started, my speed will be 30, if I upgrade all 10 times I will reach the maximum speed for that skill which would be 120. Four times more agile than your initial speed.
    Increase virus speed

Google Play Link 遊戲連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.armorgames.infectonator

App Store Link 遊戲的連結 : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/infectonator/id547566699

Play Online 線上即時玩 : http://blog.kidbook.com.tw/game/article.asp?id=829

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