

2013年7月30日 星期二

VR Mission EXT_郃金裝備-崛起




潛入,暗殺,複仇的故事從這裡開始,一起來打開合金裝備新的篇章。 這就是合金裝備-崛起!

作為一個資深潛入專傢,你需要做的就是潛入敵營、隱藏自己、完成任務然後悄悄的離開,這就是VR Mission!





VR Mission EXT does stealth action surprisingly well, gives players plenty of incentive to replay levels for higher scores, and looks great (and familiar) while doing it.

Awesome 2D Metal Gear!

VR Mission EXT steps it up in more ways than one, and could very well be the best stealth based game available for the iOS.

The Most Anticipated VR Mission Sequel Is Here!

The Untold Stories During VR Mission Unfolds Here!

During a top classified secret stealth mission, 3 agents were sent to the deep of the enemy's base. A young agent at his prime, an experienced veteran and a Cyborg Soldier. VR Mission EXT is the story of them 3.

Your skills of Stealth, Intelligence, Bravery and full weapon knowledge will be putted to the ultimate test in this brand new stealth action packed real time strategy game as you lead an one man army into the very deep of the enemy's heart, your failure is not acceptable.

Your mission: To sneak in and gather enemy intel.
Your task: Finish the mission and leave no trace.
Your back ups: None.
Your weapons: All around you.
Your enemies: Everywhere

game Link:


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2013年7月28日 星期日

塗鴉切割_Slice it!


 《塗鴉切割Slice it!》是一款休閒益智類遊戲。你只需用手指輕輕一劃,把給出的圖形切割成相同比率的碎片即可。輕鬆又愉快!
這款《Slice it!》曾經風靡全球,被很多國家和地區的玩家所認可了哦!

■ 遊戲特點 ■
1) 簡單易懂、快捷的觸屏操作!
2) 10個章節、200個關卡!
- 每個關卡的圖形都有所不同,更多圖形將陸續登場,值得期待!
- 隨著關卡的延續,會出現多種障礙物,讓切割充滿挑戰!
3) 人性化的提示系統!

Slice It! ?、????形?同?大???
★ 180?以上?????
★ 難??役立????機能
★ 充??日本語??!
★ ?告無?、全?????簡?解除可能!
【Third Blade~這?寄?混沌~】
【Slice It! DX】


Fast Fun with a Geometric Flair!
"Slice It!" is all about slicing shapes into pieces that are equal in size.

Sound easy? It may start out that way, but soon you'll be cutting shapes that will puzzle you like never before.
Brainteasing puzzles: over 200 Basic Stages and a five-star rating system so you can play until you get it right!

Time to start thinking and slicing!

game link:


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2013年7月27日 星期六

混沌虛空_ カオスヴェイン_ChaosVain




       在玩法設定上,並沒有採用時下流行的卡牌RPG玩法,而是回歸到 了正統派的RPG風格;戰鬥和移動都是全自動進行的,屬於放置型的遊戲,不過由於敵人實在過於強大,你必需組建起自己的團隊才能贏得戰鬥的勝利。





☆☆ ???時間?充????!☆☆




game link


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2013年7月25日 星期四

TA Plays: 'Lone Wolf' - A Game-Book With An Insane Surprise

There's a little story behind this one. A disastrous, no-good, very bad technical hiccup kept us from covering Lone Wolf: Blood On The Snow at GDC 2013. For whatever reason, our capture rig pooped out during the live demo Forge Reply gave us. And what a demo it was, man. Dazzling comes to mind as a word to describe it, even though that sounds a wee bit hyperbolic. You gotta understand, Lone Wolf holds a surprise within its pages. It's the kind of surprise that you don't want to just tell people about, you want to show them.

So, here we are, circling back to Lone Wolf with a build in our hands. This is an effort to give you the same shot in the arm that the demo managed to give us.

Anyway, what is Lone Wolf? It's a game-book, but not your everyday game-book with a few interactive elements and nothing more. This is a GAME-book, and you'll see what we mean if you catch the video we've got just above.

We're really impressed with the effort that is going into every part of this. The page-turning effects are rad, the text is great (Forge has brought in the series' original author Joe Dever), and the art direction is superb. Also, dat surprise.

If you'd like to keep tabs on Lone Wolf, just add it on your Watch List via our app [Free]. I think we'll be talking about it a lot more before it hits digital shelves this year.

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2013年7月24日 星期三

Celulo Will Bust Its Way Into The App Store Early Next Month

Celulo Will Bust Its Way Into The App Store Early Next Month

In the puzzle game, players are tasked with creating the longest circuit connecting the sides of the board.

Celulo Will Bust Its Way Into The App Store Early Next Month is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年7月22日 星期一

'AVP: Evolution' Updated with New Characters, Weapons, Missions and More

In late February Angry Mob Games, creators of Muffin Knight [$0.99 / Free] and Guerrilla Bob [$0.99 / $2.99 (HD)] on iOS, released a new 3rd-person action game in the Aliens vs. Predator crossover universe titled AVP: Evolution [$2.99]. In fact, Angry Mob had already proven their merit in working with this kind of IP with their previous dual-stick game Predators [$0.99], which was actually quite good.

Graphically, AVP: Evolution is very impressive, and it lets you battle through its campaign as either an Alien or a Predator. At first blush, though, it felt like nothing more than a mindless, button-mashing brawler. In some ways it actually is, and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that. However, put a little time into learning the mechanics and there's actually a very satisfying game here, and it's one that players in our forums have been enjoying a ton since its release.

Yesterday Angry Mob pushed out the latest update to AVP: Evolution and it's a doozy. Two new playable characters have been added, the Berserker Alien and the Chopper Predator, and each come with their own unique new abilities. There are some new missions to play through and secret areas to discover throughout the game's campaign. Oh, and the Predator has gotten a couple of new weapons to add to his arsenal: a Shuriken and a Plasma Railgun.

Additionally, the combat camera has been improved, following up on some tweaks made to the camera and combat mechanics in the previous update. Difficulty has been adjusted as well, along with performance improvements so the game runs more smoothly on all the various supported iOS devices.

AVP: Evolution opens up as a pretty awesome action game once you've spent some time learning the ropes, and especially if you're already an Alien or Predator fanatic. This new update keeps the good times rolling, so be sure to check it out.

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2013年7月21日 星期日

Get Rewarded For Chaos As A Madmonster

Get Rewarded For Chaos As A Madmonster

Forget being the good guy, it's time to wreak some havoc in the city in Madmonster!

Get Rewarded For Chaos As A Madmonster is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年7月20日 星期六

Quirky App Of The Day: Save The Huts From The ‘Lav-Ah’

Quirky App Of The Day: Save The Huts From The ‘Lav-Ah’

Use rocks to protect the huts from the flowing lava.

Quirky App Of The Day: Save The Huts From The ‘Lav-Ah’ is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年7月18日 星期四

Facebook Buys Cloud App Platform Parse

Facebook Buys Cloud App Platform Parse

The popular developer tool Parse is now part of Facebook.

Facebook Buys Cloud App Platform Parse is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年7月17日 星期三

Today’s Best Apps: Robot Unicorn Attack 2, Draw Something 2, Orbitron And More

Today’s Best Apps: Robot Unicorn Attack 2, Draw Something 2, Orbitron And More

Discover the most useful and entertaining iOS apps from the last 24 hours.

Today’s Best Apps: Robot Unicorn Attack 2, Draw Something 2, Orbitron And More is a story by AppAdvice.com
AppAdvice - iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News]]>

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2013年7月15日 星期一

'Crabitron' for iPad Review - Space Crabs Are Even More Fun With a Friend

If your haven't seen Crabitron [$2.99 (HD)] in action, you owe it to yourself to check out this TA Plays. Two Lives Left's Crabitron is fast, funny, endless but kept remarkably fresh with boss fights and classic game parodies, and has spot-on controls that make it one of the most iPad-native games I've played.

In hindsight, a game that takes advantage of the multi-touch screen by asking you to use your fingertips like chopsticks makes perfect sense, and the kaiju (giant monster) theme really suits that mechanic. If the original Rampage captured something about the potential (and limitations) of the arcade technology of it's day, Crabitron does the same thing for the iPad, very much including the Mini.

It also, and seemingly unintentionally, sports really good single-device cooperative play.

Most of the games that offer single-device multiplayer on the iPad are turn based. There are a few with simultaneous competitive play, like Shufflepuck Cantina [Free / $2.99] and the HD version of Fruit Ninja [$2.99 (HD)], but only where the controls can be kept to separate parts of the screen, to avoid input confusion.

By default, one of the challenges of playing Crabitron is trying to use both claws effectively at the same time. It's hard to do anything fancier than having one claw mirror the other. But share your tablet with a friend, and the challenges change. Now you can each focus on your own claw, but you have to worry about what that other claw is doing. This can lead to almost Spaceteam [Free] levels of confused shouting. Even the fact that the claws can get tangled due to input confusion if they're pressed together feels more like a feature than a flaw.

Perhaps best of all, players of widely varying skill can play together. This is the only videogame I've found that I can play with my toddler without one of us quickly getting frustrated or bored. It's amazing, really. So far, my high score for the game is from a run I started with him, played a little by myself, continued with my spouse, and then finished alone.

The biggest problem with Crabitron's co-op potential is that it doesn't mesh well with the game's coin-based upgrade system. You can upgrade each arm separately, but upgrades are costly, permanent, and irreversible. Thankfully, there's no IAP grubbing: you can buy a coin doubler or a tripler, that's it.

It feels like he devs were preparing for the possibility of needing to release Crabitron as a freemium game, but took the risk of charging Happy Meal prices instead, something they deserve credit for.

Regardless, it would be a lot more fun (especially in co-op mode) if you could choose different claws or abilities for each game. Fixed-upgrade systems, with their roots in RPG character customization, tend to feel really player-specific.

To be fair, I don't think I'm playing Crabitron "as intended," it just happens to be a heck of a lot of fun this way, a bit like the tricycle that became cooler when you figured out you could ride it backwards downhill. Just don't hold Two Lives Left responsible if you injure yourself. Whether or not you've got a friend (or toddler) to play Crabitron with in this unintentional co-op mode, you really need to check the game out as Crabitron is a perfect example of how to intelligently craft a game for the iPad that really could only exist on the iPad.

TouchArcade Rating:

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2013年7月13日 星期六

[推薦遊戲] Candy Crush Saga 糖果大爆險


糖果大爆險(Candy Crush Saga,簡稱Candy Crush)是一款可以在iOS、Android和facebook上玩的寶石方塊類型遊戲,也就是一般說的三消類型或是消消樂類型的遊戲。

Switch and match your way through more than 100 levels in this delicious and addictive puzzle adventure. Ain't it the sweetest game ever?



Candy Crush Saga是以糖果為主題,並採取逐一解鎖的方式進行,有約350多種不同的關卡可供挑戰,遊戲的基本規則只要將三至五種一樣的糖果排成一線就可以消除糖果得到分數,但是每一關的樣式並不一樣。一開始會提供五顆愛心,每失敗一次就會扣一顆,要等30分鐘才會補回一顆,也可以請求Facebook好友回贈愛心或付錢購買。遊戲中,部分關卡須收費,但也可請三名Facebook好友協助解鎖。

在這個好吃會上癮的益智冒險遊戲中,你可以互換組合糖果,挑戰超過 100 個關卡。
Candy Crush Saga 遊戲特色:
★ 甜美圖像讓你忍不住一嚐再嚐
★ 簡單好玩,想要完全上手又具挑戰性
★ 超過 100 個甜蜜關卡
★ 專屬於你和朋友間的排行榜
★ 完成關卡才能解鎖的物品
★ 強化道具和祝福幫助你渡過困難關卡
★ 和 Facebook 版本完全同步

Switch and match your way through more than 100 levels in this delicious and addictive puzzle adventure.
Ain't it the sweetest game ever?

Join Tiffi and Mr. Toffee in their epic adventure through a world full of candy.
Take on this deliciously sweet saga alone or play with friends to see who can get the highest score!

Candy Crush Saga features:
★ Tasty graphics that will leave you hungry for more
★ Easy and fun to play, but a challenge to fully master
★ Over 100 sweet levels
★ Leaderboards for you and your friends
★ Items to unlock by completing levels
★ Boosters and charms to help with those challenging levels
★ Seamless synchronization with the Facebook version

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2013年7月12日 星期五

[推薦遊戲] Elements Battle 元素之戰

一個年輕的元素學徒必須踏上一個史詩般的冒險旅程,以找回他的師傅丟失的物品,玩家扮演的年輕學徒將會在旅程中,遇到各種不同的生物與難關,才能找到丟失的物品,你必須使用 火、水、空氣以及土,這幾種元素來進行戰鬥,在這個危險的旅途上,有幾個朋友,包含一個小精靈將會陪著你並提出一些建議。
A young disciple of the elements must take on an epic journey to retrieve missing objects at the behest of his master, Director Fiaryntus. As our hero embarks on this journey he is tasked with confronting all manner of creatures to procure these lost items. Using your training in the elements, you must battle enemies with the power of fire, water, air and earth. Several friends will offer advice along the way, including Pixie, your trusted advisor and even Director Fiaryntus himself!

基本上,遊戲的戰鬥系統是使用消消樂(連連看)的遊戲規則,玩家必須將三個以上的元素符號,不論直排或是橫列,將他們組合在一起,當玩家不斷的破關取得經驗之後,將會有新的特殊功能的元素,可以在接下來的旅途中使用,盡量將這些特殊元素以及寶物收集起來,這對玩家接下來的旅程會有很大的幫助 。
Combat presents itself in a fast-paced puzzle matching system where players must match the symbols of the elements in sets of three, either vertically or horizontally. As you continue your training and gain experience, you will discover new special abilities for each element for use in your quest. Build you collections and unearth rare and valuable items to help you in your journey!

It begins with the hunt. After receiving your first quest you'll head out into the fields for a few fights. The pre-battle screen features sets of enemies displayed in a slot machine-style interface along with quests and extra goals up top. If the enemies you need to fight aren't shown, simply insert a token and give the lever a pull to randomize them. As soon as the right foe appears, tap the button and let the gem swapping begin.

If you've played Bejeweled 3 or Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords you'll feel right at home in Elements Battle's combat screen. Your character is on the left, the enemy on the right, and a field of gems fills the center. You have five or six seconds to make as many matches as you can, swapping colored gems and other pieces to make matches of three or more that can damage the enemy or fill your element tokens. Buy and charge a red token, for example, and after matching several red gems you'll unleash a fire elemental blast. After your turn is up the enemy takes its turn, whittling down your hit points before handing the reins back to you. As soon as you run the foe's HP down to zero you win, gaining items and marking the creature off on your list of conquests. Not bad for a lowly student!

Element’s Battle is a free-to-play puzzle combat title with action-packed combat, role-playing elements and a rich and expansive story.

- Match 3 Puzzle Gameplay with RPG elements
- 5 unique, picturesque in-game worlds to explore
- Over 100 quests to complete
- Master the elements of fire, wind, water and earth
- Equip armor, weapons and items to defend, attack and win!
- Expansive collectable items, loot drops (orbs, bombs, potions and more!)
- Rich graphics, animations and visual effects
- Full, robust soundtrack to set the mood for each and every scene
- Absolutely free!!

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2013年7月10日 星期三

[遊戲推薦] 南瓜與怪物 Pumpkins VS Monster

在黑暗的午夜裡 , 恐怖的怪物復活了 , 他們將要入侵村民的家裡 , 這個世界將不再和平安詳了  , 不過 我們的村民們 還依然沉睡在他們甜甜的夢鄉之中 , 完全不知道危險已經逼近了 ,在這個危急的時刻 , 南瓜英雄出現了
, 他們勇敢的站出來保衛村民的房屋 , 用他們的身體來攻擊這些入侵的怪物 , 他們能夠成功的保衛沉睡中的村民嗎。
In the darkness midnight, the monsters revived. They are gonging to invade people's home .The world will not peace anymore.
But our people are still in their sweet dream, no one knows the dangerous.
At this time, the pumpkin hero appeared, they work together to protect people's house, use they bodies to attack the monsters.
The incomparable new mode will bring you very different new experience.

2013年7月9日 星期二

[推薦遊戲] The Treasures of Montezuma 3 蒙特祖瑪的寶藏3

匹配令牌即可解鎖蒙特祖瑪的寶藏3 中難以置信的財富!蒙特祖瑪的寶藏3 擁有的關卡超過200 個,驚人的視覺效果、振奮人心的音效以及到達了休閒遊??戲美工之巔的出色背景,是組合消除遊戲迷絕對不容錯過的遊戲!

Match tokens to unlock incredible riches in The Treasures of Montezuma 3! With over 200 levels, amazing visual effects, explosive audio and stunning backgrounds that shatter the boundaries of art in casual games, The Treasures of Montezuma 3 is a must-have game for match-three fans!

蒙特祖瑪的寶藏3 將挑戰你的技巧,你需要努力在一分鐘內盡可能多地獲得點數。魔法圖騰回

‧ 160 個關卡
‧ 42 個令人絞盡腦汁的謎題關卡
‧ 休閒和專家模式
‧ 五個藏寶屋
‧ 40 個寶箱
‧ 22 個獎杯
‧ 驚人的視覺效果
‧ 不可思議的音效
‧ 支持 OpenFeint

The Treasures of Montezuma 3 will challenge your skills as you try to rack up as many points as possible in one minute. The Magic Totems make a return, allowing players to pull off insane combos. By using the powers of the totems strategically, you can score high enough to earn the Magic Stars you need to upgrade your bonus items to the max! Don't miss out on playing the most spectacular match-three game in the award-winning Montezuma series!

◇ 160 arcade levels
◇ 42 mind-melting puzzle levels
◇ Casual and Expert modes
◇ Five treasure rooms
◇ 40 treasure chests
◇ 22 trophies
◇ Stunning visuals
◇ Incredible sound effects
◇ OpenFeint support

Match tokens to unlock incredible riches in The Treasures of Montezuma 3! With 160 levels to beat, you could be in the jungle for months.

Google Play Link 遊戲的連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alawar.treasuresofmontezuma3&feature=related_apps&hl=en

Play Online :  http://blog.kidbook.com.tw/game/article.asp?id=929

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2013年7月7日 星期日

[遊戲推薦] 鑽石寶藏 Diamond Treasure

寶藏來襲,你準備好了嗎?伴著輕鬆愉快的旋律,彷彿置身於神秘的世界,體驗鑽石的誘惑與魅力。 App平台排行第一的消除類游戲正式進軍Android平台,你還在猶豫什麼?閒暇時拿起你的手機,《鑽石寶藏》是您消磨時光的好幫手!簡單的操作,考量你的腦力與眼力,快點和朋友們一起比比誰能獲得更多的寶藏吧!

The diamond is coming! Are you ready?
The TOP 1 elimination game of AppStore, Diamond Treasure, shows its dynamite debut on Android Market!
It seems that you are in a mysterious world accompanied with lively relaxed music, experiencing the charm and allure of diamonds. So what are you waiting for?
The Diamond Treasure must be your good friend to kill time when you are waiting for your friends, taking a bus, or anytime when you don’t know what to do!

1.Simple operation. Match 3 or more identical diamond to eliminate and get score.
2.Various challenging modes. Scores challenge mode, show us how much score you can get; Elimination challenge mode, show us your game talents.
3.Unique score system, eliminating the diamond quickly can get extra scores.
4.Superb graphic, wonderful background music.


And, it’s free now!
★★★Simple operation must challenge your mind and eyes!★★★
Be hurried to play with your friends! Show us who can get the most diamond!
Please follow us and share our games with your friends, and you will surely get more lovely games!

★★★操作更快!消除更多!策略更巧!希望《鑽石寶藏》能給大家帶去快樂! ★★★

Google Play Link 遊戲的連結 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bf.aabg_zsbz_qm

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2013年7月6日 星期六

[推薦遊戲] Baseball Superstars® 2012 棒球明星 2012

站上本壘板,感受App 遊戲中最佳的棒球體驗,現已包含HD 高清圖像, 絕佳視覺享受前所未有!等級限制解鎖, 可升級的擊球和投球動作, 無限的自定義, 全新的超級球員和更多的遊戲模式, 帶來無限可能。不論是管理球隊勇奪冠軍, 還是將一名新手訓練成名人堂成員, 你擁有絕對的控制權。

Step up to the plate for the best baseball experience on Android Market, now looking better than ever before in crisp HD! The sky's the limit with level restrictions unlocked, upgraded batting and pitching moves, endless customization, new super players and more play modes. Whether managing a team to the championship or training a rookie to the Hall of Fame, you're in control of it all.

立即加入全球下載超過3000 萬次遊戲的玩家行列,盡情享受棒球明星2012 帶來的無窮樂趣!
Join the series that's been downloaded over 30 million times by players worldwide with Baseball SuperstarsR 2012!

"Baseball Superstars 2012 is engaging in all the right ways. The core gameplay mechanics are incredibly easy to learn, but not so easy to master." - (4/5 Stars) Toucharcade.com

"There is literally something here for everyone in Baseball Superstars 2012." - (4/4 Stars) Slidetoplay.com

"It’s a very nicely executed freemium title that offers a ton of gameplay without having to purchase in-app upgrades. Baseball fans will love it." (4/5 Stars) -148apps.com

水晶般清晰的 HD 棒球體驗
看到更多,玩得更爽– 增強的細節和清晰度,專為Retina 顯示屏優化,讓您大開眼界。

See more, play better – Enhanced details and clarity make an eye-opening ballgame optimized for HD and high-res displays on latest Android devices.

智能控制與智能 AI
全新的手勢與傾斜控制,讓投球與擊球更為直觀。智能AI 隊友,讓球賽更加激烈精彩,瞬間接球和激光般精準的投球。

New gesture and tilt controls allow intuitive pitching and batting. Smart AI teammates make exciting baseball plays, split-second catches and laser-precision throws.


Customize your team logo, stadium, uniform and equipment. Recruit, combine and level up players to assemble the best team.


Train to earn skill points, new special moves and stat-boosting nicknames as you rise from rookie to Superstar.

與您的好友交易球員,或在PVP 賽事中與其他玩家的球隊一較高下。

Go up against other users' teams around the world in PVP matches.

面對全新超級球員的挑戰,讓他們加入至你麾下。體驗多種故事結局以及獲得超過30 個Game Center 成就。


Meet the challenges of new super players to have them join your team. Go after the multiple story endings and player skill abilities.

Google Play Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamevil.bb2012.global&feature=search_result&hl=zh_TW

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